Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Is he the fella in Israel? He should be on his fifth by now?
All joking aside, what happened to our regular updates from Israel?


JK is a multi millionaire. Therefore he must be right and deserves the greatest respect.

Did I get something wrong?

Probably not, but you should probably check in with jedward before you jump to any conclusions

Whimsy is mimsy.

This is the exact same behaviour you’ve been promoting for the last 18 months. :laughing:

Are you pivoting to being in favour of lockdown now? :grinning:

Weren’t you complaining about “talking down to people”?

For months now you’ve been promoting anti-vaxxers and “vaccine sceptics” (also called anti-vaxxers). And you yourself have bene pushing a thinly veiled anti-vaccine message for quite a while now.

You’re all over the place.

By the way, which one of the CDC or Jurgen Klopp was telling people not to get vaccinated, as you claimed one of them was?

Significant goal post shift over there this week. They would never do that here of course. No chance.

No way lads here would lose their good boy status

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7,858 positive cases in the past 7 days, 5,189 are 40 and under (66%)

2,655 were 14 and under.


In terms of deaths.

0 deaths in u40s
0 deaths in 40-59s
8 deaths in 60-79s
10 deaths in 80+

It’s almost as if old people die a lot more regularly. Maybe we should stop trying to make Covid an excuse for elderly people and those in bad health dying. It’s amazing how the flu deniers were never so righteous and military about stopping flu as it ravaged hospitals and the elderly every winter.

They aren’t doing it for fun.

Israel’s major problem is that something like 37% of their population have not been vaccinated at all. They are the major driver in keeping Covid spreading widely throughout the community - and that has knock on effects for everybody else.

It’s an object lesson in how the irresponsible and selfish unvaccinated are the major problem in preventing a return to normality in societies.

Portugal is the country to watch. 84% of the total population are double vaccinated and they’ve dropped all restrictions as of October 1st.

Are we due another deadly variant by now? … delta has surely morphed into something else somewhere in world ?

To the best of my knowledge all the variants of concern date from the pre-vaccine era. That isn’t to say that something else couldn’t possibly come along, but Delta is so “fit” that it appears to be progressively driving every other variant of concern out.

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Agreed, Portugal will be interesting to watch. The problem seems to be the waning efficacy of the vaccines after 6 months though.

For us here in Ireland thats going to pretty much collide with the middle of winter.

Which is not ideal.

People who have beaten covid through natural immunity are in the best position now surely you’d agree?

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It seems to me that waning effectiveness is strongly linked to how many unvaccinated there are in a population.

It’s also linked to the exact demographic breakdown of who remains unvaccinated, population densities, and in Israel’s case to how they actually carried out the vaccination programme - Pfizer doses three weeks apart - which is a shorter interval than recommended, and we know that the intervals between doses make a difference.

In short, the more people who get vaccinated, the better the protection will be for everybody.


It is strongly recommended that people who have recovered from Covid get vaccinated.

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Why Portugal? Denmark ended covid restrictions about a month ago.

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Portugal is currently the best gauge for how mass vaccination will protect a population because they are the European country with the highest percentage of their population vaccinated.

I think you’re underestimating the human immune system. Time will tell of course.

Denmark are a month further along and so will give you an even better gauge at a marginally lower rate.

The Economist estimates over 15 million dead.

To recommend that people remain unvaccinated and get Covid is unconscionable. You run a serious risk of long term health problems if you get Covid while unvaccinated. And you do run the risk of dying, even if it is small.

The risk/benefit analysis is absolutely categorical that vaccines are by far the safest option, both on a personal and societal level.

Get vaccinated.


Thats all fine. But lets say you have recovered from Covid naturally. Why would you need to be vaccinated after that. Especially with a vaccine thats effective for 6 months just.

That doesnt really add up.