Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Why is recommended to finish a course of Antibiotics even if symptoms has ceased?

Recovering from Covid plus vaccination > recovering from Covid minus vaccination.

This is the overwhelming consensus.

Surely the preferred option would be to not have to take the antibiotics at all?

If youā€™ve naturally beaten the virus already.

School has shut down my lads class. 21 of 28 have Covid.

Three or four mothers of kids my lad is friends with who were double vaxxed with Pfizer have it.

My missus and older lad went for a test on Sunday. Both negative. Thatā€™s with continual exposure to I assume the delta variant all last week. I didnā€™t bother with a test as I am symptom free.

Didnā€™t realise Israel had so many unvaccinated we should be in a relatively strong position with 90% of 12+ :syringe: on getting jabbed after having the virus the missus and the eldest had no hesitation in getting it after having it at Christmas Iā€™d say they have little or no chance of getting it again now myself and the youngest could have had it also we were negative but they wouldnā€™t retest us as the numbers going for tests were through the roof at that stage.

Hereā€™s an unvaccinated professional athlete for whom Covid has caused serious health problems.

Newcastle goalkeeper Karl Darlow is another who was very sick from Covid.

And we havenā€™t heard much from Rory Brennan or Richie Donnelly for the last few months.

Israel have 28% of their population who are under the age of 15.

What would be interesting to see is the age range of the recorded deaths in Israel recently.

Antibiotics, where appropriate, are a cure, not prevention.

Prevention is better than cure.

Sadly, it seems a lot of people value cures more than prevention.

I think itā€™s a psychological thing where they cannot comprehend a problem until it happens.

A vaccine is aimed primarily at preventing, and it is very effective at doing that - but not foolproof. But it will also help cure any symptoms if a vaccinated person does get Covid.

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Which makes the obsession with witch doctor treatments like Ivermectin all the more bizarre.

Jaysus mike. First vets, now witch doctors. Youā€™d be as well to say a few decades of the rosary to protect yourself from such iniquity

Are you afraid of needles Glen? Itā€™s just a little prick.

In places like Peru, where there were no vaccines and no treatments available, you can understand how Ivermectin became a craze. People had heard through the grapevine that this thing might work. You can understand peopleā€™s desperation.

In the US and other places where vaccines were available to all, it was nothing more than a demonstration of the right wing disinformation cult in action.

Stop taking my posts about Ivermectin so personally.

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Iā€™m sorry for mentioning your kids earlier sir. Bad form, hope weā€™re still pals

No worries pal.

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who told you to go and get shot

Are they extending the vaccine passport thing?

This should be concerning to countries which ā€œlived with Covidā€. But it wonā€™t be particularly concerning for Australia and New Zealand, because they have had hardly any Covid.

Keep it going lads. Yeā€™ll knock another thread out of this yet

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This is very reassuring. Feeling blessed this morning.

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