Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I saw there that Australia now has a higher rate of population who have had at least one dose of one of the vaccines than the US. 46% double dosed now.

New Zealand not far behind on around 40% double dosed.

The download bar took a while to get going but itā€™s ticking along nicely now.

Thereā€™s some quare head cases out there

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We might not know whoā€™s telling truth about all things covid. But we know the Chinese definitely werenā€™t.

So basically it was all over the world within weeksā€¦hence the blood samples from Italy and France, the sewage samples from Brazil etc, all reported on tfk a year ago. The indo could do worse than find an open tfk ap on a phone lying on their oul lads coffee table

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The left have had themselves in knots over the whole pandemic.


More to the point we will never know the true origin as the CCP has buried it with everyone who knows. I wish none us knew wuhan exists.

OK. If weā€™re supposed to believe that Covid was around from May 2019 - as you say - why then did people not start dying from it until December/January in Wuhan, and around the world from February/March onwards?

The May 2019 timeline doesnā€™t make any sense when you consider when people started dying.

Surely if had been around from May 2019, people would have started dying in large numbers from, oh, June/July 2019 onwards?

Especially given there were zero mitigation measures in place at that time? Yes?

Ita very possible the original strain was not as deadly or it may be interesting to see what was classed as pneumonia or flu in deaths (we didnā€™t know about covid then). It could be possible that what we saw in Feb 20 was a deadly variant compared to the original. Many people were and claimed to be very sick in the winter pre covid. Its possible they had it and since we know you can be reinfected they could have had it a second time. As I said we probably wonā€™t know

Thereā€™s zero evidence for any of this and zero reason to even entertain such a notion.

At the heart of it is a desperate desire to believe itā€™s a Chinese bioweapon.

Thereā€™s more than enough reason to be worried about the Chinese regime without diving into the realms of fantasy.

Iā€™ve posted one such story on another thread in the last half an hour, of course it wonā€™t get any take up.

Iā€™ve posted this several times. This is what a growing consensus of scientists believed in November 2020.

The ones who did not believe it were the ones who believed that NPIs could stop it and it was a convenient excuse. As you can read in the article, it was used as an excuse in places that originally suppressed it and then had outbreaks.

Itā€™s hardly a surprise that a month or so after this article that we saw the rise of ā€œvariantsā€ as daily media chatter. They became a convenient excuse for all politicians for restrictions (MM ā€œB117 is a new virusā€) and also those so fond of NPIs as vaccinations kicked off.

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The lockdown lads will literally have to fight this battle on two frontsā€¦the future narrative and the distant past narrative. It wonā€™t be fascinating to watch


Any chance you could write that in actual English rather than gibberish, Tim?

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Did I ever say it was a bioweapon? If it was we would be all dead. Accidental leak from the lab is the most likely, natural spill over is possible.

The biggest issue was we believed the Chinese when they said it doesnā€™t spread between people.

Natural origin is by far the most likely.

All of the man made or lab leak theories have so far come to nothing.

The biggest issue is the estimated over 15 million dead.

Itā€™s sort of odd youā€™ve so much faith in the Chinese. If they told me the date Iā€™d be looking at a calendar to double check.

Itā€™s odd that you have to resort to straw men in the absence of any actual argument.

Iā€™m not really arguing anything but itā€™s odd you are willing to believe anything the Chinese say about anything.

Nothing has come to it as the evidence has been destroyed. Thatā€™s how the CCP works. Natural spillover is possible but highly unlikely. The odds are so high that in a short space of time a virus can do the jump from bat to pangolin then adapt again to jump to humans and be so effective against the human immune system.

Itā€™s odd that you say that when youā€™re so obviously going the trouble of just making stuff up in order to have an argument.

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