Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The odds are much higher on what you choose to believe. Many, many more coincidences have to have happened.

Iā€™ve yet to come across a serious piece of evidence or even reasoning that would back up what you believe.

That isnā€™t to say itā€™s impossible - but like with Ivermectin, thereā€™s no real evidence. Thereā€™s only hearsay and conjecture.

And the identity of the posters on this forum who buy into such stuff would not be in the least persuasive either, given theyā€™re all conspiraloons who couldnā€™t tie their own shoelaces, their heads are in such a spin.

I didnā€™t make anything up. Iā€™m just commenting for a left leaning person who is constantly discussing right wing conspiracy theories itā€™s really odd you are so quick to swallow any auld yarn from the Chinese.


Youā€™re not arguing with me.

Youā€™re arguing with somebody youā€™ve made up.

Perhaps you should address your replies to that imaginary person in future, like a good lad?


Ah sure heā€™s the most right wing person of the forum. Heā€™s just too much of an imbecile to realise it.


The simpletons who actually proudly identify as right wing racists now trying to use it as a barb :joy:

Ah lads, ah lads, yis are such novices.

The most plausible explanation is the original strain was not very contagious and didnā€™t spread much but mutated to become more contagious. Thatā€™s how previous viral outbreaks have happened. The selective pressure on a virus is to favor mutations that are more contagious and typically the rate of mutation is high early in an outbreak.

It would explain why the virus was so well adapted to humans Dec/Jan onwards, if it already had 6 months of circulating at a very low level. It also explains why the Chinese CDC were buying PCR test kits in May 2019 as they were likely trying to trace an outbreak.

As to where it started, the most likely is a lab worker got infected either during the collection process in southern China or in the lab in Wuhan. They were collecting SARS type viruses for a decade, an event like this was always a risk. The fact it started in Wuhan is a huge red flag, there is no history of any type of SARS infection in Wuhan, but significant levels in southern China where SARS1 started and where the bats that carry these viruses are native.


Generic conspiraloon post:

ā€œThe most plausible explanation is the one I desperately want to be true but which thereā€™s absolutely no evidence or reasoning for.ā€

You on about the zero covid again?

Sure youā€™ve already admitted multiple times that Zero Covid worked.

Are you now planning on arguing against yourself?

Good lad.

Like the way you make things that people say and argue against them?


Thatā€™s what youā€™ve been doing during the pandemic.

When you lose an argument - as you invariably have done because your positions are so silly - you make shit up.

Disingenuous doesnā€™t even begin to describe it.


Yes, but at who? The person who canā€™t argue honestly, ie. you? Yes, I think so. :wink:

The left (in Ireland and elsewhere) have always supported communist regimes, the Workers party and other left wing parties in Ireland were very favorable of the USSR. Nowadays they wonā€™t hear of any criticism of China as thatā€™s the kind of society they want.

Full blown meltdown imminent.


The year of the Rat? What the fuck is that?

1979 when Geldof and Co. hit number one.
1985 when Geldof made world headlines and Roland was the subject of a bidding war between BBC and ITV.
Any year between 1986 and 1997 when the PIRA was progressively destroyed from within by British agents.

The essential truth.

Anti-vaxxers have never had a problem with a two tier health system.

Sure how could they, they donā€™t believe in medical science at all.

The purest hypocrites.

Yellow was the 614G mutation and was barely in Asia. Also barely in Oceania. Part of the reason why they managed to clear it up so quickly.

It was already wild in Europe in January and February i.e. game over.

Correct, the D614G mutation resulted in a virus that was well adapted to human body temperature, viral loads were way higher than seen previous.