Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

1 in 3 of their over 75s are unvaccinated, that seems to be the acute issue they face. Not sure banning younger people from earning a living is the way to go to convince a group who are often happy enough at home.

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2000 cases yesterday but the weekā€™s numbers were actually lower than the previous week

ICU numbers are at their highest since April.

The higher the better, in a fully vaccinated society let it rip ffs. If some weird wankers want to hide in their house for the next 20 years over nothing more than a cold let them at it. If you get bad cold or flu this winter youā€™ll know it. People have no immunity over the last 18 months. I had bad cold 2 weeks ago and was in bed for 3 days because of being locked up by these facist wankers

Freedom day in 2 weeks FUCKING YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!! @Cheasty will be left shaking his fist out the window.




That sort of childish stupidity is why anybody with a functioning brain regards you as a very stupid and childish person. :wink:

angry season 6 GIF


Wonderful projection, buddy.

You and the other loons here - who are too numerous to name - havenā€™t been able to handle ny return to the forum at all.

And it is wonderful to see you squirm.

The situation is intolerable.

Just wondering would anybody like to comment on the numbers situation?

Cases back over 2k, hospitalisations have increased from 313 to 354 in the last six days and Covid ICU occupancy has gone from 60 to 73 in the same time frame.

That doesnā€™t seem good?

Just a tip: comments like ā€œI donā€™t give a fuckā€ donā€™t really add anything except to make those who make them look like a sociopath. And may we also note that there was wide dismissal of the seriousness of the situation on this forum this time last year and yis were completely wrong then.

Gluboco seems to have made a hard owl bed for himself to lie in there.

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Would you be in favour of compulsory medical treatment yourself?

I wouldnā€™t.

Iā€™d say that, in accordance with our nearest neighbour, the UK, cases will plateau and then fall. And there wont be a real rise in deaths. And given our higher vaccination rate and level of restrictions there is good reason to assume we would outperform the UK.

Iā€™ve had mild covid symptoms for a week. Cough, bit of stuffed nose, tiny bit headachey. Did two antigen tests both negative at start and end of week. Just went for a walk in PCR test as Iā€™ll need proof Iā€™m negative in the place Iā€™m working next week in case I let a few coughs and splutthers out of me. Any chance the two antigens will be wrong ?

Wait & see

I have a right dose of a Sinus infection at the minute. Still went for test for peace of mind. Came back negative.

There are some doses going at the minute but as I said, better safe than sorry.

Iā€™m way ahead of ya. Iā€™m in the middle of the wait and see phase
Mine is really for the peace of mind of other people Iā€™ll be sitting in a room with next week. I can show them the text while I cough in their face.

You canā€™t get Covid if you donā€™t get tested

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