Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

True but I can pass it onto my aul lad.

Why would you visit your auld lad if you were displaying symptoms?

The mind boggles.

Okay Mr Fulvio

Is he vaccinated?

Iā€™m the same. Severe cough, fever, runny nose, Iā€™ve also lost my taste and smell. I first noticed it last weekend in the pub and I felt it worsening early last week when I went into the office. I thought it would pass and I didnā€™t want to miss out on some volunteering I do in an old folksā€™ home in Raheny. I was barking away when handing out dinners to the residents yesterday evening, but I felt a little bit better this morning. I was able to bring my older fella to a 4th birthday party this morning and stuck around for a chat and some coffee and cake myself with the other parents - I could almost taste the chocolate flavour. Fingers crossed Iā€™m over the worst of it, but Iā€™ll look into going for a test next week if it persists.


Sure the vaccine fascists think the vaccines arenā€™t worth a shite.

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With a 5k time like yours youā€™ve absolutely nothing to worry about :+1:


The UK has had a real rise in deaths. And cases have not fallen in any real meaningful way.

We have done as well as we could have expected in terms of adult vaccination, 93% of 18+ have had had at least one dose.

But really we need to raise that to 90% plus of the entire population, and that may not be possible this winter.

In Romania now, Delta is ripping through a largely unvaccinated population and causing mass death. This scenario is likely to be repeated throughout eastern Europe at any rate.

Even in France, 13% of over 80s remain unvaccinated.

There will be a lot of Covid around Europe this winter.

And if there is a lot of Covid around, we then run into the possibility of more variants.

Everything now points to a significant rise in cases and deaths. In our case it is highly unlikely to be into the 90s or 100s as it was last year - but the possible consequences are still grim and they still pose a very real risk of disrupting society in a serious way. 15 to 20 deaths a day or more is certainly not unforeseeable.

I donā€™t really see how you carry on as normal in such circumstances.

And even if you donā€™t reimpose restrictions and you do carry on as ā€œnormalā€, you cannot fake confidence in a society or an economy. And societies and economies depend on confidence.

A few days I chanced upon @Tim_Riggins trying to ridicule this article that I read last weekend - without making any effort whatsoever to actually rebut any of the points made in it - as of course is typical for Tim and his like here.

I think Tim and those others would be much better off reading it and considering that the author may have some very, very serious and well made points. Obviously the article is written in a US context, and we thankfully are much better off in terms of vaccine coverage, but the points are still pertinent to an Irish context. I thought it was an exceptionally well considered piece.

And scary. And if we donā€™t contemplate the scary, existential nature of this problem for societies, how are we ever going to solve it? Hiding away from the existential nature of the problem and wishful thinking are very unlikely to work.

Interesting article from what appears to be checks a science fiction/fantasy writer. Well, at least he should be able to craft a good story.

Mark Sumner is the author of numerous novels, including Devilā€™s Tower which was nominated for the World Fantasy Award. His News from the Edge series (including The Monster of Minnesota and Vampires of Vermont) was the basis for the television series The Chronicle which appeared on the SyFy network.


Your position would be helped much more if you engaged with his points and made an argument against them.

As it is, youā€™re only undermining your own position and proving me correct in everything Iā€™ve ever said about the denialist mob on here.

Faced with facts and serious reasoning, yis just run away.

If you want to get your facts from a fantasy writer on an obscure website, work away. Itā€™s not for me. Itā€™s all a bit conspiracy theoryish.

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See again, youā€™re only proving me correct here.

But carry on.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

So now we have a fella who diagnoses himself with a sinus infection and decides to go for a covid test?

What kind of a fuckinā€™ eejitā€¦?


You see, the GP wonā€™t see a chap with a temperature unfortunately and once Iā€™d received the Negative result he did.
Now thankfully the doctor confirmed the sinus infection.

Now, Iā€™d be calling Elvis a fucking eejit

Every prick with a cold has covid now thanks to 2 years of medical paranio


Youā€™re a fucking stook, lad.


Scientists believe Covid is here to stay and is already endemic in most countries. Science fiction writer believes Covid can not just be eliminated but eradicated like smallpox. Take your pick.

Even New Zealand has given up on elimination.


No, mate. Youā€™re a plonker.

Symptoms of any resemblance to Covid makes seeing a GP impossible without a negative test.

I donā€™t make the rules unfortunately.

My first test too, the nose prod not so bad. The throat tickle was uncomfortable