Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

So that’s settled then.

Callum Robinson.

By the way I think you’re probably right and there’ll be restrictions around Christmas or early January.

Rapid rollout of boosters for old people might help.

I think it’s by far the likeliest explanation.

Perhaps you haven’t been watching policies get formed during the pandemic. It’s like “The Thick Of It” x 10.

We brought in the first half-lockdown on March 12th, 2020 because over the course of one morning, the entire Irish internet broke down with panic, and supermarkets were filled. Public opinion forced that half lockdown by lunchtime.

The Brits moved for a fuller lockdown around March 23rd/24th because they were shamed into it by public opinion. That then meant it was inevitable that within days we would go for a fuller lockdown than we had - public opinion would demand it - as I correctly stated on this forum the night the Brits brought in that lockdown.

NPHET asked for hotel quarantine in May and were told to do one by the government because it was too hard. That wasn’t evidence based, it was that dumb, false “public health v economy” framing, and laziness based.

Public opinion meant the pubs got opened in stages that summer and autumn just at the time when cases were rebounding. That wasn’t an evidence based decision. It was lobbying based.

Leo Varadkar’s spectacularly thick intervention on Claire Byrne Live this night last year was brownie points based. He thought that the majority of the people in the country were like the denier lads here and, just like the same lads here, totally misread public opinion.

The Christmas opening was lobbying based, not evidence based.

The government got their fingers badly burned by that and have mostly behaved reasonably sensibly since then, but that humility doesn’t last.

Now we’re back to panicked, Keystone Cops copycat policy which isn’t based on public health, or indeed anything at all except praying it’ll all work out alright.

And it’s the exact same in every across the rest of the EU presumably?

Poor old Dimmy is rattled to fuck. He took the decision to never reply to me again because he couldn’t debate his points and he knew it. Now he’s left shouting sarcastic yet deeply hurt inanities at Tossy for likebait.

In a lot of countries, yes, I’d say. There are some countries who I’d probably trust to either keep cases manageable-ish, deal with these cases if they rise, or lead in rolling back to restrictions quickly if they’re needed. We’re definitely not one of them. We’ll follow like sheep. I honestly don’t think this government knows whether it’s coming or going at this stage.

Personally I think your reading of things is so distorted it’s nearly divorced from reality. If you really believe all you post I think it’s bizarre.

I’ve been back posting here about six months. I’ve been shocked at how your reasoning and debating skills have declined.

Can you read that list of policy interventions I listed a few minutes back, how they got formed, and tell me one inaccurate thing about it?

It is inarguable that Europe failed terribly during this pandemic. Within that general failure there were some pockets of mini-success, notably Norway, Denmark and Finland - Germany was moderate - but as a continent the outcomes have in general been fucking dismal.

Now you’re telling us that the same continent that did so dismally in terms of policy has suddenly got it all sussed. That’s one hell of a trusting assumption. It’s so naive it’s laughable.

That’s not what I said (that phrase yet again). All of Europe has relaxed restrictions, ahead of Ireland, because money, according to you. Sure, that seems plausible.

There’s no point in discussing any of your points really. You’ve fully subscribed to and emotionally invested yourself in a set of beliefs and it doesn’t matter that you’ve been shown up to be wrong repeatedly (zero covid rejected by all and sundry, reopening has not proved disastrous, countries we should look to for example opening much faster than us, and on and on). It’s fundamentalist stuff. It’s the kind of stuff you rant on about elsewhere. You’ve completely given up on critical thinking or even considered revising your position based on any aspect in light of new information when it comes to this subject.

Anyway, there’s probably a long way to run in this yet. But I think we are through the worst of it.


I saw that celebrity doctor Anthony O’Connor saying he had no visibility on boosters today on Twitter yet I see the above of the HSE doling them out and looking for others to take them. Was he only on Slaintecare because he was a celeb on Twitter? Tom Keane has a track record in health admin so his resignation struck a cord but seems like O’Connor follows a crowd.

Wha? :hushed:

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That celebrity doctor is a Labour Union man. Walking away from Slaintecare is just him trying to appear strong and sticking it to the big, bad government before his own inevitable run for the Dail. Serving his own interests before fighting his next Twitter battle.

Another celebrity medic, who never met a microphone or journalist he didn’t like - Colm Henry - out again today saying not enough adults are vaccinated. This is despite our fully vaccinated adult rate being at 92% which is one of the highest in the world.

This will run and run. The line they are running with now, no doubt dreamt up by some well paid spin doctor, is “none of us are protected until we are all protected.” One of the best take up rates in the world and it’s still not good enough for them.

In the hospital in Limerick this week, unvaccinated staff have been warned/threatened they’ll be removed from patient facing roles unless they are jabbed (health care assistants, hygiene staff, catering staff, porters etc). A vast majority of those unvaccinated being non nationals from Eastern Europe. Will be interesting to see how it pans out. If it’s carried through would it hold up if challenged in court? France have made it compulsory for their healthcare staff.


Is that the same limerick hospital that is well flagged for overcrowding and being short staffed? Yano the one that covers limerick clare and North tipp?



I was surprised to see his name on the list of people on Slaintecare, makes sense for his profile. Tom Keane was in school with my dad and would be a bit of a bollix but made sense that he was there given his track record and didn’t surprise me that he quit it if things weren’t to his liking.

Less than 600 beds for a catchment area of 400k.

And constantly overcrowded, so why is covid now the issue with that basket case of a hospital

Makes sense. Why would you allow unvaccinated people to be in contact with the most vulnerable people? That would be stupid.


87 on trolleys in there day today, the highest since March last year. An absolute basket case. Nurses leaving in their droves apparently.

That Motherway one, another covid celebrity, still found time to give another lengthy interview to RTE tonight. Probably stepped over a few patients on trolleys on her way to the interview.

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It throws up a few different questions.

Are staff who don’t get the annual flu jab going to be targeted next?
You could have a situation where vaccinated staff are moved to facilitate unvaccinated staff - is that fair, that vaccinated staff could be almost punished for getting jabbed?
Is it a slippery slope in terms of civil liberties - get a vaccine or lose your job?

I don’t know, just posing the questions.

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It’s completely fair, the safety of the elderly patients is the only concern.