Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I think itā€™s grossly unfair questioning really from anyone who may ever of asked ā€œ did that person die of or with Covid ā€œ?

Have your elderly relatives taken the vaccine? If itā€™s important to them surely itā€™s important that healthcare staff dealing with vulnerable patients be vaccinated?

How much difference does it make harry, statistically speaking? Curious to see how youā€™ve gamed this out.

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Iā€™m only asking a fairly honest question. If lads are happy for elderly or vulnerable parents to take a shot then Iā€™d assume theyā€™d be happy for those dealing with them in a hospital setting to have done likewise.

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Itā€™s riddled with it.

Looks like a no brainer to me

Wasnā€™t she given limerick person of a the year? Some of them love the attention.

When you patience piled high on each other itā€™s not hard

Covid at its peak, hospitals were empty.

Covid starts to lose the fear factor, they fill up again.

On the contrary, my friend, my analysis of this pandemic has been as good as youā€™ll get anywhere. Iā€™ll stand over pretty much every post I made going back to when this started getting very serious at the fag end of February/early March 2020.

Early in this pandemic I was very bearish. Other lads here consistently tried to shout me down, but pretty much always my analysis became accepted wisdom within a short time. In my brief period back here last December, I was the first to draw attention the Alpha variant and its seriousness, and was promptly told it was ā€œbollocksā€ by the self proclaimed science guy. Wonder who was correct there.

I donā€™t take an ideological position - other than that of minimising the damage to public health as much as is feasibly possible. I take positions based on what the evidence and my own judgement tells me. And that judgement has rarely, if ever, let me down.

You took an ideological position early - that the pandemic was much less serious than it was in reality - tried to stick to it, and have come badly unstuck.

Money, in my view, is very much the main reason for the abandoning of restrictions, brought about by the domino effect. The US moves, because the US doesnā€™t care, so the UK moves. The European countries which have handled the pandemic relatively well then move, the countries that are dependent on tourism move. The Eastern European countries in general donā€™t give a fuck. So there are suddenly very few others that havenā€™t moved. In such an integrated European economy, it becomes almost impossible then in a monetary sense for Ireland to take the decisions which would be best for its public health. So Ireland moved.

But even a cursory examination of the figures reveals the deeply worrying underlying trends at play.

Europe has been wrong together before, it has been wrong together pretty much through the entire pandemic, with a few honorable exceptions. But even they may be getting it badly wrong now.

Something doesnā€™t just go away because you think it needs to go away.

That was what the ideology was last Christmas. How did that work out?

Talking shite more like.

UHL is overcrowded 365 days a year pre covid. Nothing has changed. The conditions in there are ripe for a virus like covid to spread. Maybe thatā€™s the line they should push rather than more fear. Boy who cried wolf from UHL at this stage

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Address my actual point

ā€œNurses leaving in their droves.ā€

And then the follow up, a cheap dig at somebody who has been one the conscientious public messengers during this pandemic.

So we have a good idea of who youā€™re taking aim at when you reference ā€œnurses leaving in drovesā€. It isnā€™t the government, or the business lobbyists who have lobbied for disastrous policy that led to hell for nurses, or the unvaccinated or those who have shrieked like banshees for people to remain unvaccinated.

Itā€™s the nurses themselves.

Thatā€™s now the next stage of this. The OIUTF who were wrong along will now take aim at the nurses and doctors who quite understandably are petrified at the thought of another hellish winter, and are advising publicly that we need to take urgent steps to try and avoid or at least significantly mitigate what likely awaits if we donā€™t.

And all they get is abuse.

The cases to hospitalisations ration has jumped from 2.3-2.4% at the start of September to 3.65% now.

I this is another very worrying statistic because it indicates that there is a much higher level of infection burning out there than weā€™re seeing from the official statistics.

I mean thereā€™s absolutely no reason why the ratio of cases to hospitalisations should climb so much. The only reason for it is more infections - what should be classed as cases - are going under the radar.

This is the equivalent of a fire burning under the floorboards.

Iā€™ve never, ever understood the rush from a lot of people to lessen our monitoring of the levels of Covid in the community, other than it being wilful delusion. Putting something out of sight does not mean it doesnā€™t exist, it just means thereā€™s a greater chance it will become a problem.

Are the elderly not vaccinated? I havenā€™t been paying much attention to this lately but if Pavel from Poland who makes the tea isnā€™t vaccinated who is he putting at risk besides himself? And if heā€™s under 60 and healthy heā€™s at very little risk anyway. Or has the science changed?

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Heā€™s putting everybody he comes into contact with at risk, especially old people, because the vaccines are not 100% effective against infection and illness, and nobody has any way of knowing who the unlucky ones to be infected and/or get ill will be.

The science has never changed. The vaccines were never advertised as being 100% effective.

Only those who have taken an ideologically anti-vaccine position have claimed they were advertised as such. They do this to drive propaganda against the vaccines by mendaciously trying to claim they donā€™t work through the crudest, most ignorant, most mendacious, most shameless reductionism.

To an anti-vaxxer or an anti-vaxxer who is too gutless to admit they are such, who hides behind the relentless zombie drone of ā€œIā€™m vaccine hesitantā€ or ā€œwhat happened to individual choice?!!!ā€, even one death of a vaccinated person is ā€œevidenceā€ that ā€œvaccines donā€™t workā€.

There is no arguing with such drivel.

Lads were happy enough for nurses to work away when there were no vaccines. They could do with learning some manners now. Anyone demanding that they should make decisions for nurses deserves bate within an inch of their Ignorant ill-bred lives lives.


If nurses or doctors or paramedics decided that you, an irresponsible, unvaccinated fuckwit, should not receive Covid treatment should you fall ill on the basis of you being unvaccinated, I presume youā€™d be grand with that.

Given your emphasis on how nursesā€™ decisions should always be respected, like.

When the lads were at home looking at their laptops and calling it work, they were happy enough for the nurses to put themselves in harmā€™s way.

Now, I cant think why a nurse wouldnā€™t get vaccinated (I actually think itā€™s a no-brainer), but we already need more nurses than we have.


What if the nurse is fut and healthy or already had covid?