Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Iā€™d still rather they got it. Even if it reduces transmitibilty (not certain thatā€™s a word) by 1%, I believe it would be worth it. COVID still massively affects/effects the very frail and elderly and they deal with that sector of society more than most.

To be honest, Iā€™d be of the opinion that everyone that a vaccine can safely be given to should get it.

Was your name always Batigol


You can get Covid more than once kid.

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When you demand people do things to suit you

That makes you a cunt.

I deliberately used the word ā€œshouldā€

So can you kidā€¦so can everyone. Highly unlikely though

That seems to be a fallback argument alright. A system of vitamin d supplementation and fortification would undoubtedly achieve far more than 1% but no-one gives a fuck. Because its an ideology and a political position, not a concern for anyone. Youā€™ve bought into it.

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@Malarkey has a lot to answer for for encouraging this dangerous simpleton.

Are Irelandā€™s vaccination statistics reliable, given that the last census was in 2016?

We were due a census this year but restrictions etc etc.

The virus does not cause any sort of serious health concerns to fit and healthy, thereā€™s minimal chance of that - particularly those u40.

If all the zero Covid mentallers are so worried about the virus, then lock themselves under their bed and show some leadership and sincerity - itā€™s your choice to be scared of a virus - stop trying to levy your craziness onto others.

People have the choice of a vaccine if they are scared of the virus, thankfully about 12 months too late society is opening up again and if youā€™re still scared of the virus then remove yourself from society you nutbags.


It does grind my gears that a few of the zero Coviders that I know, who have been appalled that the pubs are open, that people are travelling etc, have themselves been in the pub and on holidays


Yeah, itā€™s time for the nutjobs to show they are sincere but like a lot of virtue signalers, they are actually narcissists who just use causes to sate that need.

If you are zero covid and have a zero covid philosophy then show leadership and remove yourself from society, if youā€™re actually a hypocrite then keep on endangering transmission and spread of the virus as you demand others are locked out of society.

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Now. Iā€™ll cc @glenshane here as he seems to be an astute reader of these things.

There is a list of deaths available here

Go to the deaths tab, and you will see it contains an age band, whether they died in hospital or in residential setting and the date of their death.

Anyway, what Iā€™ve taken from it.

1st July - 11 October

438 deaths
0- 19 (0)
20-39 (6)
40-59 (44)
60-79 (177)
80+ (211)

Now, whatā€™s interesting for me is the statistics regards vaccination.

From the same site, we have this information re vaccination uptake levels.


Does anyone see the misinformation regarding vaccines here? The people with the 100% vaccination compliance (60+) have accounted for 88.5% deaths since the 1st of July. The people with the lowest vaccination coverage (0-19) have likely less than 15% vaccination coverage (as u16s donā€™t get vaccinated and only 50% of 16 and 17 year olds have been vaccinated) and account for 0.00% of deaths in time.

When you look at the data and compare it to the official line, you can see we are being fed a load of lies.

Who really believes ICU is full of unvaccinated people when 88.5% of deaths are from a grouping with 100% vaccination coverage?


Nurses are leaving in their droves, itā€™s the worst run hospital in the country by far and there are significant issues everywhere in that place

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The issues arenā€™t near significant enough for the liking of a lot of lads here.

Would you know what to believe



Itā€™s disgusting that health officials are lying and spreading misinformation on this.

Iā€™d like two extra columns in the details they disclose on Covid deaths.

Had they an underlying health condition? Y/N
Were they obese? Y/N

Youā€™re at greater risk of getting severely ill if youā€™re elderly, have an underlying health condition or are obese/unhealthy. This is the message govt and health officials should be driving out rather than trying to coerce and shame people who are unlikely to be troubled by the Covid to get a vaccine that has no real upside to it.

The public message should be targeted at who is at risk, how they should minimise their risk and how those who are around them should minimise their risk.

How could ICU be full of unvaccinated when itā€™s the fully vaccinated cohorts that are the ones dying in hospital? Why isnā€™t this false narrative being questioned?


The government should be handing out free flip belts to get the 5k times down.

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