Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

In all honesty, it’s about time the govt or health service tried to tackle the obesity problem. It’s a far bigger issue on the health service than Covid is.

Feelings might be hurt though, whereas it’s ok to not only insult people who make informed decisions on what they inject into their body, it’s ok to try and coerce and shame them, exclude them from sections of society. It’s not ok to tell a chap who is stuffing his face with takeaways that he should look after his health.


The sugar tax is a start. A few more sin taxes on takeaways and chocolate is the job.

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Citizen Journalists are doing some great work in fairness.

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You also have to look at some of the fannies who admit themselves to hospital once they find out they have Covid.

The amount of 0 night, 1 night, 2 night stays in hospital I think tells you what project fear has done re Covid.


every auld molly is off running getting a test when they get a runny nose

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What a crock of shite.

How can we have one of the highest rates of cases with one of the highest vaccination rates in Europe? And this before society is fully opened up.

Do you remember when you were a wee lad your mummy would tell you to go outside for a bit of fresh air and some exercise?

Every Sunday, @mikehunt brings the wife and kids out for a nice family day at a Covid test centre.

He & his family live rent free in your head it appears :joy:

Whereas your head couldn’t find any brain matter to fill up the vacuum.

Go sniff @malarkey’s crotch for him you misfortune.


Rebrand pal. You’re better than this ( you used to be )

Probably for the same reasons Vermont has the highest number of cases per capita in the US and is also the state with the highest levels of vaccination. Governments and the media are lying through their teeth about this current phase of Covid, breakthrough infections are getting a lot more common. Vermont is still reporting that breakthrough infections are only at 6% (the cumulative number since vaccination began), but between August 8th and 14th of the 725 Vermont residents who tested positive 288 or 40% were fully vaccinated.

If this trend continues by winter this could well be a pandemic of the vaccinated, and we will find out for sure which is lasting longer, immunity from infection or immunity from vaccination.

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We might need a wrist band for the vaccinated in Coppers.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but maybe there was something to be said for vaccinating the vulnerable and letting everyone else wait for a while…maybe carry out a few clinical trials, establish long term side effects, efficacy etc. Why didn’t anyone think of this…

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By God


Sure what would a lad from India know about the actual impact of lockdowns on a global scale.

Actually India is going with a Zero Covid approach now, and very successfully too, after it was suckered by Bhattacharya’s snake oil, costing millions of lives.

But @Tierneevin1979 preferred it when they had millions of deaths.


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the “scientific advisory” board of the anti-vaccine group “Panda”, including the usual Great Barrington ghouls, Trump killer clown Scott Atlas, the High King of appalling predictions, Michael Levitt, and of course arch-anti-vaxx loon Mike Yeadon.

You’d learn more science, and get a lot more sense, from an actual bag of cats.