Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

In fairness India was very convenient when the pyres were burning and the ganges was being dammed by coronacircus victims. Now its a bit troublesome. Earlier on today I heard some shrill daft zero covid bint proclaiming that uttar pradesh had done lockdowns properly . You could actually use ladsā€™ incensed reaction to sweden or india as a basis for a thesis on scientific hubris


Believe it or not itā€™s easy enough to go with a zero Covid approach when everyone has had Covid.

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Bullet points.

Sure didnā€™t India use ivermectin?

Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz has already demonstrated in clear terms that Ivermectin was utterly useless in India. Sure why did they have such a massive wave?

And why is Peru, where Ivermectin use was widespread, the worst hit country in the world for deaths?

According to the logic of the Ivermectin cult itself, wouldnā€™t that mean Ivermectin causes mass death (Iā€™m not saying that, Iā€™m just demonstrating the utter stupidity of the ā€œlogicā€ of the Ivermectin cult)?

Yaleā€™s Jeffrey Townsend led what is the biggest study to date of Covid reinfections. published recently in The Lancet.

The link is a mega thread of his teamā€™s findings. Iā€™ve helpfully included the key bullet points below it.

We show, in a probabilistic context, that within a few months, a non-negligible risk of reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 begins to accrue.

The phylogeny is informative regarding the durability of immunity in all human-infecting coronaviruses. The estimated immunological resistance to SARS-CoV-2 reinfection is less than that of other seasonal coronaviruses, and most similar to MERS.

The resulting cumulative probabilities based on our analysis of SARS-CoV-2 give 5% probability of reinfection by 3 months after peak antibody response (~4 months after infection) under endemic conditions w/no interventions, and 50% by ~17 months.

The durability of immunity against reinfection is crucial to travel restrictions, decisions regarding how students obtain their education, prospective revaccination protocols and all long-term public-health modeling projections for #COVID19.

Our analysis warns that in the absence of any interventions, reinfections are likely to happen on a 1ā€“2 year timescale.

The accumulation of herd immunity in the absence of widespread, repeated vaccination will be ineffective at forestalling infection due to #COVID19.

Individuals who have been previously infected with #COVID19 should get vaccinated, for their own health, and for their love of those they are closest to.

Some places in India did and some didnā€™t. The example cited most often is uttar pradeshā€¦200 million people and virtually no cases vs some other state of similar size which relied on vaccination and which has cases through the roof.
Uttar pradesh took the approach of testing quickly and cheaply with lateral flow tests, isolating positives and immediately issuing cheap packs containing ivermectin, zinc, vitamin d and an oxygen test of some kindā€¦a couple of euros a go. I posted an article somewhere which was a lot more detailed.


Enjoy your pints this weekend

But Iā€™m on nights this weekend?

We donā€™t they have thr booster shots announced and sorted out yet? Do they have enough shots in fridges to do it?

Booster shots have been given out for past few weeks. They are only for the older/vulnerable cohorts.

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My folks got them last week. And the flu jab. One in each arm

Guinea pigs my aul lad said to me, Guinea pigs.


Chuckle. I think the last euro has been wrung out of that particular canard. The dumps ate literally heaving with fridges and ventilators

I hope i am wrong but would be of the opinion that nightclub reopening will be pulled.

Theyā€™ll have to pull pubs reopening as normal then as well as realistically thereā€™s little enough difference between a late bar and a nightclub.

I think it will stay at 11.30.

Hardly worth heading out for

Maybe @mikehunt or @Malarkey could crunch the numbers here,important to hear from both sides of the argument