Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

None of the half measures bullshit weā€™ve had so far. People should only be allowed leave their houses for their own funeral.

Will Fuhrer Holahan be successful in preventing the lifting of restrictions?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

As long as face nappies exist then it creates fear.

Everyone knows they do fuck all yet we have 13 year olds wearing them 7 hours day in school as an optics exercise.

The fact that on the 22nd we were supposed to be going to nightclubs then wear them in the chipper afterwards was never going to be allowed happen.


I think itā€™s time to lockdown good and proper.

Mick has had his fun. And you know what he didnā€™t really enjoy it.

You need to just accept that in 2020 a nasty coronavirus came along and now the planet is a prison forever.

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New normal. Forget the old normal ok? Nostalgia is no good for anyone.

It was just waiting for us to drop our guardā€¦.


I thought face masks were kaput only for health settings and public transport?

And retail.

Face masks must be worn as a tribute to CMOs everywhere


Ah fuck that.

Compliance levels will drop big time with that. Itā€™s time to make a stand against face nappies.

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Enjoy the pints at the weekend lads

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You are talking absolute nonsense ā€“ dangerous nonsense, at that. And have been talking this nonsense for 18 months. There were anti vaxxers picketing a school in a Liverpool suburb last week, a school at which the 12yo son of friends has just started. Frank was most amusing, even at 12, on the type of people he saw on that picket. You are putting yourself, with this nonsense, on the same level as those odious creeps on that picket. Frightening children is some ambition to hold in life. Their parents will make the relevant decision, not weirdos who picket schools.

One last timeā€¦

Macro question: could a paradigm for dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic have been found ā€“ in Sweden or elsewhere ā€“ so as to be applicable everywhere else on the planet? Clearly not. And no amount of guff out of hucksters such as Ivor Cummins did change ā€“ or will ever change ā€“ this sovereign reality. Guff about Sweden is Covid-19 for slow learners. As I figured out pretty quickly, through the simple application of common sense and intelligence, the route map was always going to be containing lockdowns followed by mass vaccination. Funny enough, this route map, which needed no genius to comprehend, proved exactly the one travelled.

If there was a portable paradigm, this option ended up precisely ā€˜containing lockdowns until there is the prospect of mass vaccinationā€™. But no one could truly describe this strategy as a paradigm, because the possibilities of lockdown are far broader in the cities of America than in the slums of India. Neither is this reality hard to grasp, unless peopleā€™s perspective has been warped by ideologyā€™s triumph over common sense.

Blithe talk about eschewing lockdowns and masks, as if doing so was some kind of magic bullet, ends up treble nonsense. First, this strategy was not adopted in Sweden, where they did not go on exactly as before. So any such point (ā€˜Sweden went on as normalā€™) is null and void at source. Second, there are clear indications that Sweden fared poorly by certain criteria, outcomes that could have been prevented. Third, a certain argument (ā€˜Because Sweden did not do the worst, Sweden did the bestā€™) is an offence against logic.

The reality is that mass vaccination allowed something approaching normality to reemerge. Vaccination might not be perfect, a panacea for all viral ills, but the only politics worse than utopianism is inverted utopianism.

What you counselled from the start is chaos followed by some kind of miraculous calm. Hence the blithe nonsense about lockdowns and masks. You have never had anything more sophisticated to offer on meeting this pandemic than this mush: ā€˜Sort of protect the vulnerable blah blah and just let everything go on as before blah blah and everyone will get Covid blah blah and everything will be grand blah blah.ā€™ That anyone would still be parroting this dangerous tosh 18 months later is utterly risible. Most simply put, you never had any response to offer other than toxic inanities decked out as whimsy.

I will not speculate on the pre Covid opinions that formed your attitude to this pandemic ā€“ but I reckon I could speculate with a fair degree of accuracy on that front. Paranoid conspiracy theories, to me, are not a proper way of being in the world. They are basically a way of saying: ā€˜I might be wrong again and again but I am always right.ā€™ Such people have basically adopted a form of codified ignorance.

You have been wrong all the way along. Sometimes people just need to say ā€˜I was wrongā€™ and move on. No shame in doing so. Ivermectin, for instance, is a huckster hoax, as became abundantly clear. Yet you refuse to acknowledge this truth ā€“ another example of ā€˜I was wrong but I am still rightā€™.

More broadly, you are someone who claims ā€˜climate changeā€™ is a nonsense, a really low priority in politics. You adopt this perspective on the environment by holding that we should be thinking in centuries and aeons rather than in years and decades. I profoundly disagree. But what interests me is that the ā€˜centuries and aeonsā€™ line is essentially an inflection of nihilism. You are saying that individual human lives matter so very little on the long view. And I think this nihilism, wittingly or not, has shaped your view on dealing with this pandemic.

I am not a nihilist. And I believe every individual life matters, as a principle. So there is no surprise in us disagreeing so profoundly on these topics. But only one of us broadcasts dangerous nonsense.


You will still have to wear them getting seated in restaurants and waiting for batter burger I think. Doubt it will be enforced obviously but there is still a few that will tut tut.

@Malarkey Whats your opinion on current restrictions after the 22nd?

Jaysus Malarkey, youā€™re like a lad thrown overboard wasting the last of his energy insulting the ocean. So only sweden could have done sweden, its that specialā€¦well at least youā€™ve given up saying sweden got it wrong. Thatā€™s miraculous progress and I congratulate you
The ivermectin thing seems wrong to you because you donā€™t think independently. 200 million pradeshians might think otherwiseā€¦the only thing up for debate amongst adults isnā€™t if it works, rather its to establish correct dosage, appropriate use depending on advancement of the disease etc
But this ā€œblah blah blahā€ thing? Are you seriously parroting some exploited ignorant tik tok vacous influencer of a teenager while denigrating someone who had least has an education?
And on to climate changeā€¦take it to the appropriate thread. Youā€™ve never given the matter the slightest bit of critical thought, your opinions just mirror gretaā€™s, with as little substance but less of an excuse.

Anyhow, for anyone requiring bullet points to help cope with your post:

  • masks are essential in Ireland but are totally ineffectual in Sweden.
    -something about a school in England

The honest answer? I do not know. Have to read up on it.

But I do not, in general, favour restrictions unless they are serving a clear end. Unlike the inverted OUITF position that has emerged in recent months, I want to get on with getting out and about ā€“ and get on with it as safely as possible.

I saw reference to a change in how Covid-19 is operating. So will have to read up.

By the way, I met up with someone suffering from Long Covid last weekend. I can report that this illness is a really serious burden ā€“ lifechanging, in her case. There are ignoramuses around the house who could do with processing this truth.

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Fair enough. I would have been very much OIUTF but probably have mellowed now that life seems normal except for face nappies and the cursed 11.30 closing time which is a killer when out for a few pints, especially when we are playing games during the day.

As you said we nearly have 95% vaxxed so why is the need for such restrictions. Respiratory illnesses including flu and covid will continue to kill this winter unfortunately.

Iā€™ve a neighbour fucked with this long Covid thing as well, he still turns up for work every day but heā€™s absolutely wiped out all the time, canā€™t get enough rest or sleep,
Maybe all virus cause similar but Iā€™ve never heard of the likes