Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Glynn seems to be doubling down on the unvaccinated stating 67% of ICU occupants are unvaccinated with 300000 over 12s completely unvaccinated and a further 70000 with one jab. We have the second highest rate of vaccinations in the EU after Denmark and one of the highest number of cases, something doesn’t add up and I have yet to hear an explanation from NPHET or the government on this. Yet more restrictions seems to be all they have to offer, it’s mind boggling at this stage that we are lagging behind our European counterparts.


what are ye doing? cases are out of control!

There is no need to congratulate me. Genetics did that job, at birth.

What you just wrote? More utter rubbish. Trying to link me to “greta” is puerile. I am a middle-aged white man but I have no anger whatsoever about the usual Jordan Peterson type gobshitery of middle-aged white maleness.

You have this inane schtick about “think independently”… Absolutely inane. Get some kind of a grip. I have read up about Ivermectin, for instance, and your claims for it, in obvious fashion, are part of a hoax. End of.

You have never had an independent thought in your life, as is proved by how you fawn over the likes of Ivor Cummins. You are just in thrall to conspiracy theories. I have more independent thoughts every hour than you have experienced over four decades. And I have more ambition in life than to make hucksters wealthy.

Your problem is that you are, like Jordan Peterson, a nihilist. And you are ‘dealing’ with that temperament by feeling angry about the usual stuff. So be it. But only one of us is broadcasting dangerous nonsense.

And remember, by way of a conclusion: you invited me to comment.

Removal of restrictions ain’t happening. The smoke signals have been going up all day since early this morning. It all follows a sadly predictable pattern.

I know a fella who runs what might be termed an old lad’s pub. Had planned on reopening on the 22nd. Hasn’t been open a day since March of last year. He just wasn’t interested in opening and trading under any kind of restrictions. I’d say this news will finish him off.


Long Covid is a very very serious issue – despite what muppets here are wont to say.

I certainly will be doing my best not to catch this virus. No guarantees but you can try to do your best.

The more you test the more cases you get.


It’s as clear as day they won’t be happening they are only gearing up for further restrictions this is an extract from an RTE news piece earlier

“NPHET is to examine the data in detail, including any indications that the protection from full vaccination may be trailing down for some people who were vaccinated earlier in the national campaign.

Today’s meeting heard that Ireland has just enough vaccine protection to allow it to be as open as it currently is”.

So as protection wanes further restrictions will come in depressing as it is we are looking at a full lockdown I believe from sometime in November to the spring. It’s clear NPHET believe that vaccinations have not been effective.

What is the big deal about masks? I do not like them – putting it mildly – but I cannot see why they are, in and of themselves, such a big deal. Some people, quite rationally, will use masks in certain situations even after all restrictions have been lifted.

Deeming Covid-19 just another ‘respiratory illness’ gets no one anywhere. The implications of a Covid-19 pandemic way exceeded, as events proved, a severe flu season.

I am really sick of this subject. Some of us just want to get on with life.

Sorry. I thought you were quoting her, I thought I’d made that clear…now I’m away to look up nihilism on the dictionary because I’m so thick

Ivor Cummins sounds suspiciously like a character in a porno. I wouldn’t be surprised at him being listed as an expert by the likes of @gaillimhmick or @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy but I expect better from you.

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Look, there is no point in ‘discussing’ these issues… We just have diametrically opposed viewpoints.

Freud said psychoanalysis was wasted on the Irish, he might be right

Masks aren’t that big a deal in most settings and for most people. Going to the shops, no big deal. In a taxi, fine.

But they actually impact businesses and cultural events beyond that. They’re awful for museums, for example, with attendances really suffering. Fair enough in theatres or cinemas that you say don’t bother wearing one when seated but that does call into question the logic of the whole thing that we pick and choose when to wear them.


That would be all grand if they made one blind bit of difference though Tim,

The majority of masks people are wearing are a total cod. On top of that they’re a disaster for the environment.

I’d love to see how the manufacturers can claim carbon neutrality on their products?

They’re really just a reminder for the public that we’re in a pandemic. Nothing more, nothing less.


You met someone suffering from a made up ailment?


A winter of no gym, no pubs and dodging checkpoints to see my parents. Can’t wait

Those lobotomized by stupidity speak High Stupid and Middle Moron.

I know who you are. And it would be fairly easy for me to have you in bother.

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Is that a yes or a no?

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You are a very unpopular man, from what I hear. And!! you just showed exactly why.

Egotistical idiots never realize a lot of things until it is too late. I would wager that Ii could find someone tomorrow who would fuck you up for free.

Yes or no?