Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

@Cheasty used that tactic before and it didn’t work out too well.

That’s a lie.

Agreed on posters 1 and 2 but not 3.

Ivor’s voice actual voice sounds like one you’d imagine a paedo standing at a school gate, or at least an anti-vaxxer standing at a school gate, would have.

That in itself doesn’t mean he’s a fraud.

What he preaches does though. And boy does he preach.

Fuck off. You are another cur.

And you are so dim as not to grasp what I meant.

Threats of doxxing yet again FFS, just because one poster is a well known pompous ass doesn’t mean they have carte blanche to throw that at a poster every time they are getting roasted on a forum.


Since when did you become so environmentally conscious mate?

Sustainable development goals sure are everywhere these days pal, you can’t get away from it.

That aside though, those blue masks that are littered everywhere at the moment arent great are they?

They’re not really sustainable environmentally in my view.

The 11 or 11:30 closing hour is intolerable. The situation cannot continue. The public have made up their minds.

It will be 20 years before anyone is allowed go dancing inside Ireland again. It might come back just before I retire so I can get into ballroom dancing or something as an OAP.

Tony Holohan = Archbishop Charles McQuaid
Covid = sin
Dancing = abortion
Dancing abroad = abortions abroad (ok)
ISAG = cunts
The woke public = holy Joes
Shitty cloth facemasks and hand sanitiser = nonsensical Cathecism about contraception and the like
Me = a dissident. Like James Joyce or Samuel Beckett or something


It’s just funny because I don’t think you’ve ever expressed concern for the environment before.


I was half joking to be fair :grinning: , they are no good for the environment and or preventing covid though.

Thats the key point. They’re a waste of time.

If everyone would just get vaccinated they we would move quickly to a scenario where masks won’t be necessary anymore. I’m sure those who hold such environmental concerns would see this and get themselves vaccinated.

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A few weeks ago I went to Galway to catch up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time and went for a few drinks. Pubs closed at 10.30, I was absolutely langers, was probably in bed by 11 and recovered early enough the next day. There’s something to the early closing in fairness.

(Ok there isn’t really and they need to let it go now and I’m looking forward to a decent club night)

The compromise is going to be vaccine passports for the next few months I think. They’re already angling to blame the unvaccinated.

I think you’ll get most things removed still, it’s obvious that the remaining restrictions won’t have much influence anymore.

This was on the cards all along. When they fully lockdown the country later in the year/early next year. It will be the same rationale.

All the while the fully vaxxed will be just as susceptible to covid and serious illness after 5 or 6 months as the unjabbed.

You couldn’t make it up…

That probably won’t be enough because cases are rising as it is

Look we could be 100% and then its the tourists fault. This horseshit needs to end and let the bed wetters cry themselves to sleep at night


Ireland was always full of traitors

The fully vaccinated will not be as susceptible to serious illness after that period of time. There is not data that shows that.

I would not rule out another form of lockdown though to “save the health service” from flu and winter Covid season. The groundwork is certainly laid for that.

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There’ll be lockdowns every year forever now, that’s what Holohan always wanted. I can’t believe how badly they’re doing the boosters - it seems they haven’t even decided to do them yet!?

When the meet next week they might decide to delay reopening until a certain number of people have booster shots.

It’s a test for the government from the bed wetters to be sure. NPHET will likely be conservative too.

I think when you read through the lines though, the comments from Glynn and Martin were very much angled at blaming the unvaccinated. C Martin did not sound too happy about a delay. A delay would undermine confidence in the vaccines and tbf the messaging from NPHET and the Government on vaccines has been far better than some other countries over the last few months.