Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Olbermann is a great sportscaster but a complete wanker, raging against the unvaccinated from his Central Park penthouse. Itā€™s unfortunate for his career that he nosedived a few years before the left started to do this Fox News style bullshit. Heā€™d do well on a network now.

If you look at what happened a couple of months back in Israel cc @glasagusban , that could well happen here in December/January time.

Its probable at the very least unfortunately Tim regardless of what Holohan trys to do.

Israelā€™s data did not show that people vaccinated were as likely to get severe illness as the unvaccinated.

Dunno who that guy is but he is obviously some kind of spastic baby

He does look unhinged there to be fair.

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Why the fuck would anyone look at a fucked up place like Israel for anything?

Very famous US sportscaster in the 1990s. He was then on MSNBC for years and years doing political stuff and has bounced back and forth on sports stuff since. He can be a fantastic video essayist on topics like baseball.

Did they not come out and say everyone needed a booster jab 6 months after their second jab?

Oh dear @Enrique. Hope you enjoyed the indoor coffees etc.


You said that to me before pal and you were proved wrong.



It makes perfect sense- remind paddy who is in charge, make him wear a mask, make him go to bed early.
Cynics might point out that everyone crowding into the pub at the same time would actually increase contact and transmissionā€¦but read be drowned out by lads shouting ā€œantivaxxerā€ and ā€œburn himā€


They gave boosters, but the data did not show that the vaccinated were as likely to get severe illness as the unvaccinated. They did have some data on unvaccinated people with natural immunity, but thatā€™s a different story.

How much of the recent budget went towards increasing ICU capacity? What is out ICU capacity now compared to when this started 19 months ago?

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half ten is a grand time to go to bed for a grown man

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Paddy canā€™t be trusted past midnight. Cinderella Covid.

The fluā€™s return is a big worry there now too. It really was incredible how it disapeared last winter. Incredible success from the lockdowns, masks and handwashing maybe??

Sure they canā€™t get the staff anyway. And the 10% or so who wonā€™t get vaccinated will soon be unable to work without getting the vaccine.

Only a right wing loon would want to stay up after watching the news telling us that the whole thingā€™s fucked.

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Glandular Fever?

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