Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Yeah it knocks the shite of you for six months.

Most viruses have a period of post virus fatigue but nobody bothered to add the Long nomenclature

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Mungret Energizer fever.


I don’t know anything about it,
Whether it’s a common response to a virus or not doesn’t take away the fact that it’s genuine, the narrative here among many posters is that it’s made up by the work shy etc etc

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If the unvaccinated all fucked off to Sweden then surely everyone would be happy?


Epstein Barr virus knocks the fuck out of you

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I have beachside coffees regularly mate, and without a baton to the head, it’s unreal.

It’s fairly common to take up to a year to recover from a big virus. I’ve a friend a great athlete who ended up retiring over long term fatigue effects from a random virus he picked up while training in Kenya. The initial dose wasn’t even that bad but it was just very foreign to his immune system. He wasn’t right for literally years. Now he’s 100%.

I’ve a friend in his 30s who had long covid, technically, because his smell / taste was gone for 6 weeks when he was otherwise fine. He made a complete recovery and is now out living a mad hedonistic life in the Caymans.

It’s a serious thing for some people but for lots of people Long Covid is just a joke. I’d suspect that just like the virus itself it’s generally a lot worse for old and unfit people.


You should throw up an oul pic. I loves me coffees. We’d have to start a new thread mind.


Listen up you shower of cunts.

Get vaccinated.

In circumstances where you’re in the vicinity of vulnerable people, Wear a mask (a proper one - not your Auntie Breda’s knitted piece of shit) and keep your distance.

Have some consideration for the fears of others.

Knock yourselves out you cunts.



I won’t tell anybody to get vaccinated or not. That’s their business, if you’re worried about Covid then stay at home and don’t mix with others but that’s your choice, we just have to see how genuine Covid fearmongerers are.

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Pat Kenny led the charge today on Newstalk. If he is that afraid of the virus he would be better off staying under the bed. The cunt.

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Do you as a vaccinated person mask up in front of family members?

Yes. We bubble with one family set, but the others we and they mask and meet outside.

How often do ye change the N95s?


We all have been fooled. Get vaccinated and OIUTF.

Did they really expect 100% to take it?

The Irish country has been let down by a minority of its people. So be it.


Can’t remember category. We have mountains of the blue surgicals they’ll give you on entering medical facilities and also a lot of higher grade , supposedly re-usable, tighter fit yokes.

The carry on of people knitting their own or looping a bit od elastic into a bit of cloth is pure shite.

He is hysterical but he is quite correct on the warehoused tax. Loads of balance sheets have them and they need to start to be paid back.

It’s fairly odds onto me that the unvaccinated will be blamed and passports will continue. Ireland has been following the Danes for a whe and they’re all open without vaxx passports now. They’re a very convenient political tool at this point as well.