Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

If you aren’t using the N95s and changing it nearly daily you are basically committing murder. Cop yourself on.

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I reckon the 3rd booster shot will be rolled out in a very efficient manner. Don’t fret yet pal. This is a very snakey virus.


Those vaccines must not be all they are cracked up to be, huh?

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What’s this, just that people who received PUP will pay higher tax for the next while?

Quite a few businesses have several months of VAT and PAYE built up. It was used for cashflow purposes at the start of the pandemic. The revenue won’t come looking until January 2022.

I suspect a lot of it ultimately won’t be paid back. You don’t want to be fucking about with the Revenue generally but it’ll probably be like chicken as it was with commercial rates for a few years during the recession.

Go on elaborate on the specs.

Fuck off you cunt.

I thought they were our way out of this mess? We’re all in this together, wash your hands, stay safe,

What a fucking cod :joy:


You only get 5 uses out of the N95. You sound reckless.

It’s time to stop treating unvaccinated people for Covid in hospitals


Over 90% vaccinated

Fed a pile of horseshite that plugging themselves with an experimental drug was the way out of it and then it turns out to be shite.



Once again, we normally use the blue medical ones as one offs and bin them. Now fuck off and don’t reply to me again you cunt.

Be as well shoot them in the face

“Normally”- what does that mean? Binning them like that will have huge consequences for your grandchildren. You don’t seem to be a very caring person.


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Is he still getting support payment from the government throughout that time?

It is very embarassing really. The media are going to turn the dial up now on the unvaxxed.

You can see a non-critical thinker like @the_man_himself going along with that charade now.

He might feel slighted by those people who didnt go along with the jab experiment. Resents them for that and wants his own back now.


The guilt for the unvaccinated must be horrible. Imagine knowing that this is their fault. So be it.

You’re the one who came here dispensing with the advice Dr Nick.

@TheBlackSpot taking no prisoners this evening.