Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I did not threaten to doxx anyone. Nor would I do so.

Try and be not quite so terribly dumb.

Even better

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I thought the kids were doomed

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Snakey oul virus, hides in the shadows and gets our hopes up. Then bang… always on time too, ten days or so before we’re due to open…
Snakey boy


This virus is a right divil, mate.

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The slow learners are digging the heels in you see.

Mugged off royally and without the intelligence or emotional capacity to admit they have been played like pawns, you’d feel sorry for them.

The data is released on a daily basis by NISRA up north, the people who are dying of the virus are almost exclusively in the 100% vaccinated range, with the vast majority of the adult population vaccinated.

Yet somehow it’s the unvaccinated fault, some people are too entrenched in their views, some lads have spent the guts of 18 months making idiots of themselves and it’s too late for the likes of @the_man_himself to put his hands up, say he was gullible fool and apologise.


Listen Trigger, advice wasn’t what I was dispensing. I’m a vaccine fascist.

I was talking about the mask part. They’re distinct measures. You don’t seem to be very good at the masks, some improvement needed or you could kill someone.

Step up. I’ll make you famous.

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Well as you say yourself over 90% of people are vaccinated yet 66% of those in ICU are not vaccinated so I’d say they’re working well

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Alright Mark Chapman.

There was a lady on Clare Byrne the other morning (i had Radio 1 on as was in car with aul lad) who said the number of close contacts that people have was now 3.9

Clare was at pains to point out people are lying.

They probably are but that’s another point.

She then had two contributors on about “Turning into your parents”. One of them was a class of a professional Cork man whose main anecdote was he now said “good man” to his kids. The female anecdote was she said to a friend 9pm was late for a dinner booking.

That Clare Byrne is useless said the aul lad. I had to agree. It was appalling radio.

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Check out the stuff from NISRA.

Over 22k cases in the past month in the 0-19 age category, no deaths, 15 hospital admissions with a cumulative total of 30 nights in hospital. This is not in any way serious for kids.

You think you’re John Lennon? You’re an arsehole pal.

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She is a fucking moron.

Simpleton radio from a simpleton.


The mask fascists are quick to threaten violence. It’s almost like pointing out masks do nothing angers them.

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Incidence rates going down in the under 18s and creeping up in the vulnerable groups.

Week 40 link > LINK

I assume most of those dying up there are because of the exaggerated way we have all been counting deaths.

From a policy perspective it is hard to have sympathy for those who die from Covid and refuse a vaccine, from a a hospitalisation perspective though it does cause an issue to others.

That said the numbers don’t suggest to me a crisis of biblical proportions given the current levels. There is a moral argument though that in the winter someone unvaccinated could give an older person a breakthrough infection in a hospital. In truth though it is really not much beyond the person who had the sniffles a couple of years ago but still went to visit grandad in the nursing home, just more attention on it.

Society will continue to blame the unvaccinated whilst media attention continues on this issue. It is what it is in this day and age.

In fairness to @the_man_himself , he could eventually find himself in the unvaccinated side of things with regards to his Covid pass if he turns down a semi-annual booster down the line maybe in 2023 or 2024.

Each to their own. The media are telling lies to beat the band and unfortunately lads like that are sold a pup. Its been relentless. Its going to go up a few notchs now too.

Classic conquer and divide tactics.

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Mark Chapman was braver than you even though he shot Lennon in the back. You put people in jeopardy just breathing in their direction with your ineffective use of masks.