Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

She says her tv show is draining and she might quit it, it would be great for the country if she did.

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Absolutely vile. There should be something done about this if we’re serious about the environment.

It is not acceptable in fairness.

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You’re English aren’t you? And therefore, an UUCOAM.

You actually believe that don’t you?

I don’t.

I’ll put that premise to the test by using data from NISRA, published on a daily basis. Let’s use hospital admissions.

Octobers hospital admissions:

291 admissions

80+ (75)
70-79 (87)
60-69 (33)
50-59 (40)
40-49 (28)
20-39 (21)
0-19 (7)

Here’s vaccine data from the Dept of Health NI


So explain to me how ICU is 2/3 full of unvaccinated if hospital admissions are comprised are comprised of 2/3 of people who come from fully vaccinated age groupings?

I don’t expect an answer to that from you as you neither have the means or the gumption to engage with substantiated posts and prefer to wheel out regurgitated rubbish.

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I didn’t realise that you were a xenophobe as well as anti science type.

Most countries are overshooting their population records tbf.

Certainly an Anglophobe. Not a strong enough word really. I actually hate you English bastards.

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You see the lads who were sold a pup are too deep in now and too humiliated to actually put their hands up.

He knows he’s wrong, he’s mortified at how he’s acted but it’s a bit like free staters position on the troubles, the shame makes them double down and try and justify a position they should be ashamed of. An honourable person would admit the error of their ways.


That’s a pretty detailed and extensive post you’ve just done there. Unfortunately those are all Northern Ireland figures though so completely irrelevant

How are they irrelevant.

You’re just blindly believing something Paul Reid said. Why can’t that information be released?

The logical thing is that the patterns would be somewhat similar, but they’re hiding the information from you and feeding you lines that defy logic and like the idiot boy you are you are swallowing it hook, like and sinker without any critical analysis.

Because we are discussing vaccination rates and ICU figures in the 26 counties. It’s pretty obvious

How many cases of hospitalisations from reactions to vaccines?

Looks like the last to be vaccinated are the numbers going down whilst the first to be vaccinated are now rising.

I’m happy to see my old man getting his flu & booster shots today regardless.


If they aren’t relaxed now they never will be

There is nothing detailed or extensive about Covid from the HSE pal, they’re hiding behind a cyber attack for the last 6 months with regards to deaths, what a joke. Would you get away with that in any other line of business?

How hard is it to get your house in order. They’re not covering a massive number of hospital settings. They’ve it centralized to fuck. So, whats the issue?

Why can’t they tell us about the age of those in ICU with covid?

How many underlying illnesses do they have? What are the underlying illnesses?

Are they that ill-informed? If that is the case, surely they’re not fit for purpose.



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This is just mental. Have you any proof whatsoever to back that up.

Now if you said they are reporting guff from sources unqualified to make such claims I’d agree in certain areas.

You have a bizarre outlook on how the Country operates daily and I can’t understand why you don’t just take yourself off to another Country as your incessant whinging leads me to believe you hate this island.


You would imagine the patterns would be similar. I seem to be basing my position on data and critical analysis, you seem to be basing yours on blind faith and naivety.

What’s the basis on your opinion. Simply because Paul Reid said so?