Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Fairplay. They’re my main concerns in a nutshell.

That information is not disclosed (shock, horror), sure it takes 5 months for a coroner to rule a vaccine caused a death.

Nessa is going off on one tonight.

From a few weeks ago

Of those in ICU wards with Covid, 72% are unvaccinated, 8% have had one dose and 20% have had two doses.

Unvaccinated people make up less than 12% of our adult population – yet account for 72% of people in ICU.

You are basing your position on data from a different jurisdiction

Yes. I’m basing my position on data.

Care to tell us what you’re basing your position on?

Totally unacceptable.

But, it’s not humans rowing out to sea to dispose of them ffs. It’s down to so called Waste Disposal companies discarding of waste people place in bags to be so called properly discarded with.

That story should lead you to call out the boats, their owners who are dumping that waste not the man, woman or child who placed it on their face with the ideal of doing good or as laws make them do so.

Another bizarre weird take on Covid to suit your agenda.

Sort it out @TheBlackSpot

Data from the country which we are actually talking about.

Your “I’m not anti vaxx, I just think young people don’t need the vaccine” changed to vaccine sceptic fairly quickly

You can bet your life that the same lads carping on about the climate crisis are the ones throwing masks all round them. Almost 2 years in and it hasn’t occurred to them that they’re supposed to bedealing with potential biohazards, you’d think Tony would give them a special bin


You’ve conflating two different data sources tbf. Where is the actual ICU data? Remember that generally older people will be less likely to brought to ICU than a general hospital admission.

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Yes but that is totally undermined from the daily information they report.

67% of hospital admissions are from groupings with 100% vaccination coverage.
88.5% of hospital deaths have been from groupings with 100% vaccination coverage.

You don’t have to dig hard to blow the whole thing asunder.

How many people in NI are double vaccinated?

Once again, you’re obfuscating.

We know I’m basing my position on questioning the narrative on data, albeit from a jurisdiction on the same rather small island.

Can you remind me what you’re basing your position on? Or are you too embarrassed to say?

100% coverage?

The covid to climate emergency propaganda has transitioned seamlessly in the last month or so. The restrictions work for both crises, which is handy.

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You’ve used general hospitals admission data to extrapolate on ICU. Even pre vaccine that was dodgy.

Yes 60+ have 100% coverage. I’ve already posted this up for you.

From the Dept of Health NI


Yes that appears to be from Northern Ireland again which is not what we are discussing

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