Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


And I’m basing my position on data that is available.

What is it you’re basing your position on? I’m getting a little weary asking this? Or you too afraid to answer the question? It does make you look a bit of a mug tbf. But when you keep ducking it you just look like a mug and a coward.

Your point is well made. I’m seeing those cloth masks everywhere now though. They’re a serious blight on the environment, genuinely even in rural Ireland, they’re hanging off hedges. It is disgusting and more importantly unnecessary. They add no value to fighting this virus.

The stat on the oceans is even worse. Awful.

You’re some oddball.


You’re basing your hypothesis that the HSE are lying on vaccination rates from a different jurisdiction :joy:


WTF? We have to be allowed to produce stats from any random source which supports our POV. How else would @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy @glenshane and other fuckers have anythng to post?

Is that chart not percentage vaccinated who have got their first dose?


For the 18-29 group , 206106/275530 = 74.80% ( Which matches with the chart)

The others seem to check out also.

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It’s a bit confusing.

Wasn’t the position of the UK gov to give as many as possible one jab and see how they got on later on as regards the second shot?

We’ll take your refusal to substantiate your position on multiple occasions now as an acknowledgement you just believe everything you’re told.

A person with a challenging mind and who is pragmatist looks at the information, when the information isn’t there, he looks at what information is out there, what’s the best information available to test that premise and up north we do have this information disclosed.

This information flies in the face but you carry on being an idiot if that what suits, you won’t get very far in life with a naivety like you have.

Even though we grossly undercounted case rates, Ireland has doubled its number of reported cases since mid Feb 2021 (and those cases were the last of the real sting of high deaths).

I find this idea that the vaccine isn’t working to be bizarre…

I think its even more odd to be double jabbed and still wearing a dirty cloth mask around your face to keep you “safe”

Each to their own.

You are basing your stance on information garnered from the UK Government? Is that correct?

You might want to look at @Copper_pipe 's post there. It appears even the irrelevant data which you’re basing your view on may be wrong

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That’s not the argument i have challenged. You have misconstrued a very worrisome issue into blaming people for wearing masks in the first place.

It never occurred to you that the bastard sailing into the ocean dumping ( not just masks you flute ) waste into the ocean were not worth mentioning considering the mess they’re leaving after them?

You see any big fluctuations here?

It’s not wrong.

But it appears you’re too much of a coward to admit you have no basis other than blind faith to swallow such a ridiculous position.

You’ve now admitted your previous graph showing 100% vaccination in certain age groups was misleading?

I haven’t admitted anything.

I’ve actually disputed that assertion.

My, my - what a silly little boy you are.

Lads are getting too technical at this stage of the game talking about the UK, USA and Sweden. The only question left to answer whether the referee (Government) are finally going to blow the whistle on NPHET and finish this horrid game off.

Once we go back to normal people won’t go back.

There will be a couple who get this thing again but its not the reason the hospitals will be under pressure.

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I don’t have the time to join the dots for you pal,

Have another think about it maybe. You might get there eventually.

You are another very poor critical thinker from the premier county I’m afraid.

Local woman in her late 40’s now 3 weeks on a ventilator fighting for her life…… #couplecovid