Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Another bullshit anecdote from the hillbilly

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Youā€™ll say literally anything to boost your stance on this.

Mate, you can spew away like the Slurry Tanker you are.
The woman tested positive and sheā€™s in hospital in a bad way. I hope she recovers.

Life will go on.

She doesnā€™t matter in your eyes.

If you move the cursor the bars youā€™ll see the number of 1st doses and 2nd doses for each cohort.


The 80+ figure is high enough.

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Did a crop go wrong for him again?

What rules around gigs/indoor events were due to change on October 22nd?

Do the decent thing boys

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Big of personal responsibility ladsā€¦.

Donā€™t project your spew on me mate.

You brought in a bullshit story about a woman supposedly fighting for her life.

What sort of weirdo does that? Why even say it on an internet forum?

Itā€™s clearly not true and I think anyone would whoā€™d consider using a local woman supposedly fighting for her life and just randomly insert her into a topic out of nowhere, to score points is a bit of a creep.


Are you going to admit it now?

The ā€žgroupingsā€ are irrelevant. Itā€™s whether the fatalities or ICU patients were vaccinated or not.

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Everything back to normal bar masks I think

Iā€™m not the one who brought her into this topic mate. Your motivation seem really crass if Iā€™m honest, you think her family would appreciate you throwing her in like this into a conversation?


Iā€™ve nothing to admit. I stand by what I said. You had umpteen chances to explain your position but you were embarrassed it was based on blind faith and naivety.

It seems youā€™re just going to ignore @Copper_pipe clamping the fuck out of you. Carry on


I know of a 48 year old man double jabbed also in ICU for a week. This will continue to happen but we must move on.

Yes but the Dept of Health disclose information on vaccination rates by groupings and hospital admission and deaths by groupings and guess whatā€¦ the groupings with 67% of hospital admissions are 100% vaccinated and the groupings with 88.5% of deaths are vaccinated. So thatā€™s where the whole thing collapses for those who want to believe that line without any criticial thinking.

Her family? On tfk?

The truth is, a woman in my locality who isnā€™t in her 80ā€™s is on a ventilator after picking up the Virus.

You are on a daily basis claiming this virus is not an issue to middle aged & younger people.

A poster on the forum who is in good physical shape got a nasty enough sickness too & I hope he recovers fully. You have no problem calling people who are trying to do in their minds the right thing fools & not ā€œ critical thinkers ā€œ.

But Iā€™m a liar?


How many do you need to hear about to go from Couple to Group?