Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Just to fact check, 100% of people in any age group in Northern Ireland are not fully vaccinated

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

How many 80+ people may have possibly died or been deemed too weak to take another jab?

I would say that is standard. It also means at minimum 95% were fully vaccinated, 100% partially vaccinated.

You’re the one saying fully vaccinated.

You’re not very bright are you?

You’re not bright, but you’ve got some yellow streak.

I’m a straight guy, I’ll indulge and address your questions, you’ll run away from mine - like a coward. I think it shows you up.

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It’s standard for 5% of people over 80 to die within a few months of each other?

I didn’t say that, you seemed to miss the other part of my post. Why do you think 5% didn’t get a second jab. Do you think 80 year olds were on Facebook reading about Bill Gates or do you think it was maybe medical advice that they may not survive a second jab?

Can you confirm they’ve all been offered the second jab?

I must be brighter than you anyway given you seem to think the second dose of a vaccine isn’t important at all

Can you confirm if you’ll stop inserting fake anecdotal stories in this thread from now on?

That’s the first mistake you made.

If you genuinely thought you were brighter than me, you would not have cowered when you were asked to substantiate your stance multiple times. People who are bright generally aren’t shit scared of outlining their position.

Okay, we’re done for tonight.

Covid has effected you. If you want to send me a PM I’m here for you.

I don’t know mate. It doesn’t really matter why they didn’t get the second dose. It just completely destroys your argument of trying to mislead the forum into thinking 100% of people in older age groups were fully vaccinated

Sure thing.

Go off and spend some time with the “wife” and “kids” mate.

You should take that advice, mate.

You’re so bright the whole basis for your argument fell apart the second anyone bothered to fact check it

I’m sorry that you were jumping to conclusions and that you fail to understand the difference between terms like vaccinated, unvaccinated, and fully vaccinated.

It’s a real shame that you cowered away from your position though and are now pigeon holed into such weak and spurious arguments.

Yeah but it looks 100pc certain now that whatever changes were due to go ahead won’t now. What restrictions are on indoor concerts/events now?

I’d tell you to take mine but you genuinely wouldn’t be here posting your inane drivel if you had to.

It didn’t. That’s merely weak and spurious drivel because you were humiliated at not being able to substantiate your own position.

It has to embarrass you that you have spend 50 odd posts deflecting from your original position as it shows you as a halfwit and not only that but a halfwit scared of his own shadow.

Vaccine passports to do anything really is the name of that game.

It was always going to be the case sure. No surprises in fairness to Nphet and co.