Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I just didnā€™t think anybody would be silly enough to think that the first dose of a vaccine is supposed to give you cover

Yet youā€™re silly enough to say you believe something but are unable to outline your stance on it. Youā€™ve spent a good 50 odd posts ducking and diving on that. But yeah, keep pretending this doesnā€™t exist.

Why do you think they bothered with the second doses at all mate? It must all have been very confusing for you. Hopefully tonight has cleared it up and you wonā€™t make a fool of yourself again


Are there any studies coming forward in relation to key factors in serious Covid illness in middle aged & younger people yet?

We know elderly people & those with underlying issues are very high risk if infected but itā€™s alarming to hear of so called fit & healthy young people getting so severely hit by the virus.

Iā€™d assume that heavy smokers would be in a high risk range but it doesnā€™t seem to be out there in reports or studies Iā€™ve heard of.

Weā€™re a good while into the pandemic at this stage and it seems that actual studies into why so called young, fit & healthy people are hit hard whilst so called obese people can just have mild flu like symptoms?

Is it down to viral load as in how long you are exposed to someone with it?
Still baffles me how some families have seen a wife & child infected but the husband for example sharing his marital bed doesnā€™t become infected.

What Iā€™ve taken from tonight is that I really struck a nerve when I called you out as a gullible fool.

Funny that, looking back at this wonā€™t make pretty reading for you. Everyone can see how you spent 50 odd posts trying to ignore your own position when pressed on it. What does that say about your conviction in yourself to explain and support your stance?

As I said, Iā€™m straight, Iā€™ve no problem arguing my position, I do it very well. You shat the bed from the start, Iā€™ve just strung you along for the ride and now I can continue to refer to how you fear me on an intellectual level.

Iā€™d just make it up as I go alongā€¦a bit like the mask science

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Hang on, only 70 in ICU?
The whole country back at work and Dublin going buck mad last weekend?

Thatā€™s a very fair comment.

Iā€™d imagine an ICU visit isnā€™t usually a daily thing either.

What is worrisome is that infection rates are definitely high considering the % of people of vaccinated. That is bothering me


10%+ positive test rate is worrying, its obviously rampant, but considering how rampant it is I donā€™t really think itā€™s doing that much damage.

10% was once off thing (for now anyway)

I canā€™t agree with that mate. This thing obviously thrives as it spreads. If left to spread it will find more vulnerable people faster.

This to me is the key stat as regards what happening. The cases to hospitalisations ratio has shot up.

Back in August the cases to hospitalisations ratio was 1.6-1.7%. As of October 11th it was 3.65% and Iā€™m sure I saw today it has now gone up to over 4%. Delta has been dominant in Ireland since July so Delta is not the reason for the cases to hospitalisations ratio shooting up.

Delta is obviously a very damaging variant but it is highly unlikely to say the least that it has developed magical properties that has caused the cases to hospitalisations ratio to surge to such an extent.

I havenā€™t been keeping up to date with the current guidelines about who is required or advised to get a test - the sheer volume of information regarding this pandemic is pretty overpowering - but the obvious conclusion appears to be we are not testing enough, and that people who would until recently have gotten tested if they felt a bit unwell/were a close contact etc. are no longer doing so. Being vaccinated has likely driven complacency in this regard.

Itā€™s very likely our real infection figures are significantly higher than the published figures, at least two and a half times higher and possibly four or five times higher.

A common narrative on this forum is that we need to test less people. This is complete bullshit. Mass testing is an absolute prerequisite for keeping on top of this thing. I go back to what Denmark were doing pre-September. I think that is what we need to be doing for the foreseeable future, certainly for the entirety of this winter.

That means 500k tests every day. And vaccine passes. And masking. And social distancing where possible. And comprehensive financial support for those who need to stay out of work.

All that may seem very hard, and it is, but I donā€™t see an alternative. Carrying out such a mass testing programme appears to me to be a prerequisite for us to have a chance of a functioning society where people can live and work and businesses can operate with a good degree of confidence and certainty. And itā€™s not enough to do the bare minimum of testing. We have to crush this thing. This is an existential crisis for our society and the sooner everybody realises that the better. The public policy response needs to be almost war like in its focus.

Otherwise, this thing could explode at any time. And that is not a recipe for a functioning society. Itā€™s a recipe for chaos, a permanently dysfunctional society, and mass hardship.

This oneā€™s specially for you

Fuck off with your anti-vaxx crackpot Twitter accounts.

Jesus some lads would be lost without covid to bang on about. 200 plus posts.

For what itā€™s worth Iā€™ve stopped washing my hands unless cluttered in mud or in the shower weeks ago and Iā€™m still alive.

You can be as sarky as you like, but the reality here is that our society faces an existential crisis.

The most likely way that will occur is if we as a society yet again fail to take the threat seriously.

Lads here are living in absolute cuckoo land.

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There are numerous studies into this, most younger people have mild symptoms but there are outliers who get very sick and some die. Numerous factors and not fully understood but consensus seems to be it is genetic, certain mutations that effect the immune system making them more susceptible to serious illness. The same is seen with many other diseases, why for example do most people recover from the flu at home but a minority develop pneumonia and are hospitalized.

Viral load is also a big factor, the combination of a high viral load and a poor immune response leads to the virus spreading to the lungs and causing a severe inflammatory reaction. It also seems that younger healthier people are more susceptible to the Delta variant than prior variants, most likely because it reproduces faster so back to viral load.