Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I don’t care what anyone says here, the optics from Nphet and our media are a disgrace at the moment. The below headline is just trying to frighten people. Its not right. It is in fact very wrong.


93% fully vaccinated population over 18. What more do the cunts want?

Its clear the jabs don’t prevent transmission , its a crazy scenario we’re in now.

Being an outlier vs other sensible european countries doesnt even do it justice.


Why do you want to destroy Irish society, buddy?

How are Portugal doing pal?

I havent checked it out but I was in agreement with you that it would be an interesting case sample.

Similar vaccination rates and they’ve opened up fully.

Sensible European countries have more restrictions than us.

How are Portugal doing?

Owns Cristiano Ronaldo GIF


I don’t know. They’re only 14 days in. It’s probably a bit early to tell. Denmark’s case figures are going up, I know that. 789 yesterday from 252 on September 19th.

Fair enough. It is a bit early to tell with regards to Portugal yet. I’m very much in agreement with you that they are one to watch from our perspective.

Denmark are still doing an awful lot better than us though with those numbers and are fully open.

What are we doing wrong in your view?

Denmark I think are ahead of us alright slightly in vaccine take up, marginally.

Denmark started off from a much better place. They had pushed Covid right down though a range of public heath measures.

Still though, a trebling of their case figures in the last 25 days is not good.

I think they’ll they’ll be forced to return to those measures this winter.

There’s a man primed to die from Covid. It’s all a bit darwinian

My main gripe @Cheasty with this whole thing has been the lack of transparency all along. Dying with a positive test but having terminal cancer etc. Covid went down on the death certificate after 28 days kind of thing.

The positive PCR test numbers that we are given every day are meaningless without context with regards to age, underlying conditions, vaccinated or not etc, etc. We are never given that breakdown.

The counting of deaths is even more bizarre. How long can a minor cyber attack from 6 months ago prevent our extremely well paid brains trust leadership in the HSE from providing some detail on those numbers.

93% vaccinated and we’re producing on average 1500 positive PCR tests a day for the last two months. Something isnt right there either. Waning efficacy is never mentioned in the mainstream conversation. Up until now anyway.

Lot of questions there, to be fair.


Is there any clip of where CNN said it?

Fair play to Joe, he made an awful show of the weirdos who want children vaccinated

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I don’t dip into this thread much tbh, and I’ve been kind of ignoring Covid news in general for a long time. I did hear one thing on Morning Ireland yesterday - they said 2/3 of patients in ICU had not been vaccinated. Is this true or did I mishear it? If correct, it’s as much evidence as I would need that the vaccinations have had some success.

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The replies


Would they remind you of anywhere?

Little 6 year old girl on tv there with severe spinal issues, some form of muscular dystrophe I think. 7 operations for scoliosis in one year. They can’t vaccinate her for Covid yet but hope to soon but were she to catch it she coud be in trouble. You’d want to be fierce sefish not to want to protect a poor little mite like that. The dad was hinting as much. You’ll have the usual mentallers targetting him for being a vaccine fascist.