Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You just don’t get it, fella.

OIUTFers: “Underlying conditions, who cares!”

I was out last night at a work event/dinner.

Hand shaking and fist and elbow bumping were all in evident.

Vaccine cert to enter which is no great hardship.

We’ll be back to normal soon enough.

Funnily enough I was at an event last Friday…30 or so people of all ages, sitting shoulder to shoulder. No masks, no showing your papers, no leaving your details, no sign of a pandemic.

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In fairness My event was in a venue that wasn’t on axles.


I’d agree with approval of the vaccine for kids, particularly to this case, a child that is vulnerable. My gripe it will be pushed that every child has to have the vaccine etc. Like we have seen woth adults. We have the highest vaccination rate in Europe yet highest cases etc. We were told its the way out. I along with many others probably didn’t need it but got it as we believed it wouldn’t do any harm, in a vast majority of people that is true (few mentallers will argue that point but anyway).

Its the constant shifting the goalposts that’s gone to far. But to your question, vulnerable children should not be denied the vaccine if they, their parents and doctors believe its the best for them.

This might drive some fellas around the bend

Say this over and over for about an hour or so. Slowly. Get back to us with your thoughts.

My thoughts are vaccination was to reduce risk of serious illness and death or “protect the vulnerable”. Either that’s now done or the vaccine is a cod. I don’t believe the vaccine is a cod but people’s expectations are it was going to magically disappear after vaccination. We have to live with the virus, now it has a reduced risk. OIUTF fully and people have to mitigate risks themselves.

Problems highlighted with OIUTF are the health system which was third world standard and overwhelmed pre covid. Medically vulnerable people, they had to take care previously particularly in winter. When my auld lad was going through chemo I didn’t see him for weeks as I had flu like symptoms, a mitigation step I had to be responsible for as for the rest of my family. We are not only ones who have ever had to take these steps.

What they were hinting at was that adults who did not get vaccinated were putting his daughter at risk. There are idiots, some on here, who think that their decision not to get vaccinated will not impact anyone else.


Are we testing more?

There’s ample real world evidence to show that lockdowns and masks achieved nothing. If anything it suggests they did more harm than good.
Google covid quiz, look at the charts, point to anywhere where their introduction had an impact or can even be demonstrated.
Then look at the harm done to people suffering from other illnesses, denial of education, developmentof infants, the potential impact of a possible recession etc.

No, vaccinated people are getting infected more. At least that looks to be the direction we’re heading. But that’s not to say I not beneficial, it’s just an observation

Do you think things would be the same if no one was vaccinated?

The same as what? Vaccinations obviously reduce serious illness, hospitalisation etc. But it’s looking more and more apparent that they increase liklihood of infection .
I doubt that many people understand these treatments…6 months ago they were 100% etc. Now it looks like they increase infection, efficacy wanes and a booster looks necessary. Where do you think we’ll be in another 6 months?

93% of adults are vaccinated. We are at herd immunity. 100% is unachievable. There are folks for the right or wrong reasons not going to take it. Have you ever been don’t told never argue with an idiot they will only drag you down to their level.


Tim And Eric Smile GIF

I agree I don’t see the benefits of masks or lockdowns vs covid. The vaccine is the best tool. That card has been played. Drop everything else and get on with life. Just don’t trust anything the CCP say, it’s their fault we are in this mess in the first place

Run me through the logic here please @glenshane . It has blown my mind