Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I get a flu jab yearly. I’d take an annual jab for hay fever too if there was one. If a booster is needed so be it.

We are at 74% vaccinated.

Adults mate. Not children.

Why do you think boosters are necessary?

But the adults figure is meaningless. You might as well say 93% of people whose surnames begin with a consonant are vaccinated. Total population is the only relevant figure - especially given you mentioned herd immunity - which we are very much not at.

Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN


A GIF is not a point, bud.

Your last post required the ultimate face palm.

Why do you continually ask someone a question once they ask you to back up your statements?


But you can’t explain why you think that.

You’re making my points for me here. It’s very kind of you.

Do you want newborns vaccinated?

Why and how often and what dosage do you think you’ll need for a treatment that is a lot more dangerous than the flu vaccine? Say its 1 in 5k risk of myocarditis for a teenage boy…is this for each dose or all doses? Are all the doses the same strength? Do the odds apply to all the vaccines you’re likely to need collectively or do you reduce the odds significantly by continually rolling the dice ? Is there any harm to your immune system if you get off the bandwagon?
No doubt you’ve considered all these factors?

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What are you basing it off total population? Totlal population of the island or 26 counties? You can move the goalposts all you want and tbf children were never a risk until we looked like hitting what was in the opinion of many here wasnthe magical 80% of the adult population of the 26 counties fully vaxxed plus 4 weeks.

We need a referendum on vaccinating fetuses. My body my choice.

Currently no because the Covid vaccines have not been approved for newborns.

But if they are approved, I would approve of it.

You seem to have an ideological opposition to the vaccination of children. Do you? If so, why?

Do want this abolished?

That fella has zero concern for the unborn.

For the very obvious reason that all humans are potential spreaders.

Why would you impose arbitrary distinctions about who should be vaccinated - or not - based on age?

You’re just being very silly now.

@Watchyourtoes and others - if you could clarify which, if any, of these vaccinations for babies you are against, that’d be great, thanks.

Vaccines your child will get

At 2 months

6-in-1 vaccine

  1. Diphtheria
  2. Tetanus
  3. Whooping cough (pertussis)
  4. Hib (Haemophilus influenzae b)
  5. Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis)
  6. Hepatitis B

At 4 months

  • 6-in-1 vaccine
  • MenB vaccine (meningococcal B vaccine)
  • Rotavirus oral vaccine

At 6 months

  • 6-in-1 vaccine
  • PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
  • MenC vaccine (meningococcal C vaccine)

At 12 months

  • MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
  • MenB vaccine (meningococcal B vaccine)

At 13 months

  • Hib/MenC (Haemophilus influenzae b and meningococcal C combined vaccine)
  • PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
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Dont you think it’s better if lads arrive at conclusions through reasoned logic etc?