Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Because the vaccine becomes less effective over time.
Why do you think vaccinations increase infection? Iā€™d honestly like to know. Iā€™ve never heard this point made. It seems bizarre so Iā€™d like the logic please.

Iā€™m not sure logic applies, if it does I doubt that its fully understood. Do you mean to ask for the evidence rather than the logic?

Do you believe the experts donā€™t take these concerns under consideration?

@Tierneevin1979 has been trying to claim this too. His ā€œlogicā€ is that vaccinated people live lives that are more similar to 2019 normality than the unvaccinated do, and thus vaccinations increase infection.

This is obviously complete bullshit ā€œlogicā€ and deliberately misrepresents cause and effect for political propaganda purposes.

He even went as far as to claim Covid will become a ā€œpandemic of the vaccinatedā€.

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These distinctions were what was asked of the public originally. Along with just 2 weeks protect the health system etc. A clear goal was set out and once achieved goal posts shifted. The public have in the most part done what has been asked but always then forced for more.

The boggeyman is now the unvaccinated, which the statistics donā€™t actually support as transmission still continues in the vaccinated.

Why are children not getting vaccinated? Itā€™s based on the risk of the disease verus the risk of side effects of the vaccine. The gap isnā€™t big enough for the agreement for vaccinating children as the risk of covid is incredibly low. Its clear the vaccine doesnā€™t stop transmission so what is the point in vaccinating children when people more vulnerable can still catch covid if vaccinated? The vaccine vastly reduces the risk of serious illness for those vulnerable

Ah yeah but the hypocrisy of plenty of people out there is also ridiculous. We all know the type.

It does stop transmission. It doesnā€™t stop it 100% but is that a reason not to do it? It seems anything that doesnā€™t work 100% is not good enough for the mentallers.


Unfortunately with a pandemic of this nature - about which a hell of a lot was not known - and is still not known - uncertainty is always the watchword.

Unfortunately a lot of people deliberately refuse to understand this and deliberately mistake uncerainty for some form of conspiracy.

There is no conspiracy, there is uncertainty.

They are a bogeyman. And then some. They are the people who will keep this pandemic going.

And it seems to me that a lot of them want to. I honestly think a lot of them have some form of Stockholm Syndrome. Certianly I think the demagogues who are leading them want the pandemic to continue - certainly the likes of Ivor Cummins, Michael Yeadon, Robert Malone etc. do, I think. Because otherwise, how else will they remain relevant? Although I suppose thereā€™s always something else they can diversify into as these anti-vaxx loon conspiracy ā€œmovementsā€ mutate. They mutate a bit like Covid itself.

The vaccine very significantly reduces transmission. Letā€™s be clear what you are really saying when you say ā€œthe vaccine doesnā€™t stop transmissionā€ - what you mean, or want people to take from what you say, is that the vaccines are 0% effective at stopping transmission. Thatā€™s a lie. You leave your wording vague enough that you can deny thatā€™s what you mean, but itā€™s clear thatā€™s what you mean.

Children are being vaccinated. In Ireland weā€™re vaccinating children down to 12 years of age.

In the US the vaccines are about to be rolled out to 5-11 years of age. And they will undoubtedly be rolled out to 0 years of age in time.

And I cannot think of any reason why anybody would be opposed to the Covid vaccines being rolled put to 0 years of age, other than a blatantly wrong ideological opposition to all vaccinations of children.

We vaccinate to protect both ourselves, and to protect others.

Children can and do die of Covid, and they do get very ill, some with long lasting, very serious, life changing symptoms.

The UK has taken an ideological decision not to give two doses of vaccines to those 12 and up - they would - because with the current UK regime, they would have to be wrong on everything, wouldnā€™t they.

Covid has surged among schoolchildren and that is a major reason why Covid is now on the rise again among the old in the UK. It spreads from children to the old.

The anti-vaxx logic is the exact same as:

ā€œSeat belts are not 100% effective at stopping people from dying in car crashes. Therefore seat belts DO NOT stop people dying in car crashes. Seat belts are useless.ā€


But you clearly said that the vaccine increases infection, as you got incredibly pissy over a supposedly uninformed (lacking in manners and respect etc etc) opinion I made yesterday (I was unaware of some obscure stat) perhaps youā€™d like to furnish us with your evidence

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What hypocrisy? The hypocrisy of those who are now saying ā€œmy body, my choiceā€ who were ridiculing that message during the 8th Amendment referendum?

It is their body, their choice, but it can also be the choice of rest of society to disadvantage them if they do make the choice to remain unvaccinated.

Itā€™s their choice to disadvantage society. Itā€™s their choice to drive society towards disaster in what remains an existential crisis for functioning societies. Societies have to take measures which will nudge them towards not doing that.

That might be a fair point. It may reduce it and hopefully does. But 100% isnā€™t good enough for some folk



When was the last time @Tim_Riggins made any sort of a worthwhile post on this forum?

2019? 2018?

How can anybody be so utterly inane and pointless, and still delude themselves they have anything to say?

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Yes the same folk are calling for basically mandatory vaccinations and creating a permanent 2 tier society on their beliefs. I both agree with abortion and people should get vaccinated but my point remains access to abortions should be available but if you are against it donā€™t have one. Same with the vaccine, people should get it but no one should be forced to.

Its the mental gymnastics by these people is hilarious. I honestly donā€™t think they believe half the shot they spoat but its to be in their peer group.

Anyway I can say your not one of those, I am sure you believe in what you are saying. You clearly believe your point of view is correct. We may disagree here on the particulars of what should be the vaccine target but your at least your honest.

Seems like the mood music has changed again after the scare of the last 48 hours.

Hard to credit the alarmist tone in the last few days really when NPHET were stating in early September that mid October would be the peak, I donā€™t see why youā€™d change the reopening plan when something you thought would happen actually materialises.


Yes you are correct here. I am not sayimg that this does not happen but the risk is very low. We need to compare this to the low risk of side effects of the vaccine, these are also very rare but that gap isnā€™t as large as the risk/reward in adults that make it a no brainer to take vaccine. Risk of side effects n dults and children are probably (Iā€™ve no back up here) the same but adults have a much higher risk of serious illness from contracting covid

Yeah I would be the same pre covid over there

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He must be scouring Twitter trying to find a tweet to backup his stance. Be patient