Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Nobody can force compulsory vaccinations on anybody.

But if you want to work in at least some jobs, or enter at least some business premises, vaccines should be mandatory.

I have no problem whatsoever with disadvantaging those people. They are deliberately making the choice to undermine functioning society, based on either wrong information, or an ideology of nihilism.

People getting abortions doesn’t have the potential to ruin society.

The mental gymnastics is being performed by those who now cry “my body, my choice”, who previously ridiculed that message.

I agree, it is their body, choice, but again, why shouldn’t it be the choice of society to disadvantage them in their choice?

Society makes all sorts of decisions to disadvantage people who make particular choices.

When you read between the lines a couple of days ago, it was always about blaming the unvaccinated and that’s who was gonna get punished.

And their own original projections were even worse. So they expected worse numbers but have still shat the togs over better numbers than they projected.

The risk of Covid to children is low but it is not negligible, and the risk of anything going wrong from the vaccine is much lower.

What is not low is the risk of wide spread of the virus among children spreading to other age groups, thus perpetuating the pandemic.

The risk/benefit calculation here is clear. The whole of society benefits if children are vaccinated. The whole of society benefits if everybody is vaccinated.

Those who choose to remain unvaccinated can hardly complain if they become social pariahs.

They are attempting to seriously undermine functioning society.

They deserve to be made social pariahs.

That’s some contradiction. Do you mean employers preventing unvaccinated staff from working or customers entering? You can’t stop staff on this basis but any business can refuse service at their discretion which being unvaccinated falls under. In the 2nd case I qouldnt argue too much that’s the businesses choice and not a statutory one, as is the current situation. When I say OIUTF businesses are completely in their rights to refuse unvaccinated customers if that is theor policy.

Its not society’s problem but a personal choice and right to choose what medical procedures you take. Neither are destroying society anyway that’s ridiculous

Society has done this for centuries and horrific things have happened that still scare our world today. Without getting into a battle on particular examples we shouldn’t be creating systems that create an unfair divide in society.

Haha, these lockdown freaks would need psychiatric treatment if they came to the mainland for a weekend. People standing at the bar and shaking hands, nightclubs open, the absolute horror of it :rofl:


I didn’t get incredibly pissy at all…you were pontificating about the selfishness of healthcare workers etc. I just called you out on it.
I just politely enquired if @Juhniallio was asking for logic or data.

I think we disagree on the risk/benefits here. How negligible the risk to children is also debatable no doubt. I do think at risk children should get the vaccine like the example Mike gave. Again if a child and parents want to get the vaccine let them, I’ve no problem as such. I wluldnt get my kids vaccinated if I had some but I won’t be giving out about people who do.

I think that we cannot chastise people who don’t get the covid vaccine for their kids. Well the ones who had their children take all the other jabs as baby’s etc, they clearly aren’t anti vaxx loons who believe a bullshitter from the 90s making shit up.

I truly hope I never have the misfortune to meet you at a stop light.

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Where was this?

How is it a contradiction? You can’t physically force anybody to be vaccinated but you can mandate that they comply with rules.

Abortion is. The vaccination rate is society’s problem.

The pandemic has drastically undermined the ability of society to function. Some people are taking a choice which will help to perpetuate this. That is everybody’s problem.

This is the classic collective problem. Individualist ideology has no answer at all to collective problems, other than to let them rip and cause wreck. That is not an ideology in any way fit for purpose.

That’s crazy talk.

People either get the seriousness of this problem or they don’t. No amount of theory or ideology or rhetoric can mask this.

This is existential.

We don’t disagree. One of us is right, and one of us is wrong.


Forced compliance by excommunicated. Gasligjting is as damaging as physically forcing someone to do it

Individuals can choose not to participate I society if they don’t feel safe pandemic or not. But you want to force people out of society for making the same choice of not taking the vaccine.

Think about it when has a 2 tier society ever benefited the whole society? Creating the other has lead to awful acts being done to groups in the extreme examples

We both think We are right and the other is wrong. Hence the disagreement

I actually read that one because it wasn’t reams and reams of spoof, lies and bullshit.

Transmission cannot be divorced from infection. You cannot transmit the virus if you are not infected with it.

An analysis of ~250,000 in Canada found two doses of any of the three COVID-19 vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca) led to strong protection from infection, hospitalization, AND death -even against Delta- REGARDLESS of the vaccination combination and showed NO signs of waning.

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No. I asked for logic. All evidence I can see points to it being the opposite. But I suppose if you have ‘evidence’ I’d like to see that too. I’m rooting for you @glenshane . We’ve had good times. And fermented foods.

After his vindication with Ivermectin it’s the least he deserves.