Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Specifically on @glenshane and the potential greater risk of vaccinated people passing on the virus.

The unique thing about Covid is the ability of pre symptomatic people to infect others, the window between getting infected and having symptoms is key as those who do not have symptoms are clearly a huge risk of infecting others. With prior variants this gap was less than a day, so symptoms started a day after infection. Based on a recent study in China the gap for the Delta variant is longer at two days. 74% of all Delta infections occur during this pre symptomatic phase.

This explains why there is still high levels of transmission even though such a high percentage of people are vaccinated. There is not much difference in terms of transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated, Delta has become the dominant strain and the positive effects of vaccination are wearing off after 3 months. The vaccinated are being told they are safe, so are more likely to behave in an unsafe manner.

This stuff is quite simple if you can get past the shrieking.

OK, but Iā€™m not sure what the logic, mechanism etc is. I could probably provide you with the data if that helps?

Hopefully you learned what the word stop means.

I think weā€™re done here. So no logic or evidence to back up your assertion at all? I was hoping for some weird website at least.


This is a deliberate misrepresentation of cause and effect. You have been blaming the vaccinated for Covid spread while effectively absolving the unvaccinated.

The problem is increased social interaction at a time when there remains a massive number of unvaccinated people driving the virus.

If you believe that that increased social interaction is a problem - and it strongly appears you do - as do I - then you are making ISAGā€™s and Independent SAGEā€™s point for them.

You agree with them.

If we gave lockdown a chance for another twelve months, maybe the nphet lads could get around to bringing in antigen tests


I canā€™t offer logic in this instance, which is what you originally asked for. I regard logic as more of a philosophical concept or tool, one that mightnā€™t work in this specific context. I actually think you were originally asking for an explanation as to ā€˜howā€™? I honestly donā€™t knowā€¦it even seems to have caught out the experts.

People are so brainwashed by two years of bullshit at this stage if everyone were vaccinated and infections were through the roof they would still argue that vaccination ā€œstopsā€ transmission.

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Ah sure Iā€™m sure youā€™ll have no problem arguing that this wasnā€™t clearly stated at all, what with you being so smart and all, and me taking you up all wrong again,
You were probably saying something completely different in which case you donā€™t need to support it in any way :+1:

I dont think so mate. Most of us are normal enough and can think and just want it over. It was the statement that vaccinations are causing are causing a rise in infections that pricked up my ears. Its bullshit.

@Cheasty there no winning with some loons. Cork after all :joy::joy:

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Why are daily cases at 2k a day in Ireland when almost the entire adult population are vaccinated? It was less than 500 a day back in Feb/March when vaccination levels were low.

Give it your best shot.


Holohan needs to come out with a heavyweight statement instead of sending that teaboy Glynn out to do a mans job. Holohan needs to put the fear of god into them


No. I said what I meant to say, not what you said I saidā€¦as youā€™ve clearly realised



Oh dear.

Where did I make this statement?

:rofl::rofl::rofl: because there are literally millions upon millions of extra interactions between people every day now. Sure we were locked down in March here you lunatic. Do you honestly think vaccinations increase the incidence of infections? Surely all highly vaccinated countries should be riddled so?