Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Why are there millions and millions of extra interactions? Because people have been told they are safe and vaccination stops transmission. The science says it doesn’t. With the Delta variant transmission between the vaccinated is just as high as it was between the unvaccinated prior to vaccination. Read that a few times and see if it sinks in.

Write a letter to your TD and ask them of the 2k that are testing positive each day in Ireland how many are vaccinated.

It’s utterly pointless comparing a Level 5 lockdown in Ireland to now.

That’s quite funny

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Whats the situation in Ireland lads? is there savage tension in the air as ye stand on the knife edge?

The next seven days are critical

where did it all go wromg? only 3 days ago it was all sunny uplands and open nightclubs and lads drinking at the bar breathing on each other? now its put your mask on and go to bed at half ten

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Winter is coming and it’s caught people by surprise.

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I wonder if he’ll comment on it?


The impact of western style lockdowns on viral spread after the first months of the pandemic is highly debatable as you well know. Ireland has 4X the number of cases now as it had in March, which you attribute to easing restrictions? Sweden has 1/4 the level of cases now compared to March and never had a lockdown.

The significant change since March is not lockdowns or no lockdowns, it’s Delta.


It’s honestly not worth thinking about mate

Frigging Scousers and fuckers going to Cheltenham. Blood on their hands.

" The report concludes: “This approach meant that events that may have spread the virus proceeded, such as the football match between Liverpool FC and AtlĂ©tico Madrid – the day the coronavirus was categorised as a pandemic by the WHO – and the Cheltenham Festival of Racing 
 Subsequent analysis suggest that there were an additional 37 and 41 deaths respectively at local hospitals after these events.”"

I think there are better data points to make your point on.

I’m not a big fan of the Chise account.

But they linked to a relevant study, so why wouldn’t I post it?

Because I don’t like the account?

That would be rather foolish, wouldn’t it?

Because there are 1.5 million unvaccinated people in Ireland, which is much, more more than enough to drive the virus.

Because we have an open land border with the United Kingdom of Plague Island and NI.

300k adults remain unvaccinated.

The “natural immunity” “argument” is bullshit.

Presume that only includes dead in England. Given how many Irish travelled to and returned from both events id say there was a fair few deaths here from it.

Yes, those were deaths in local hospitals. Doesn’t count all the plastic pool fans from all over the country or the dead Irish killed by the cunts who travelled over to Cheltenham.

Thread by Shane Crotty from August 20th. He linked to this thread today so clearly stands by its contents despite it being nearly two months old.

Key part here:

And this is important too:

Are lads still taking NPHET seriously after their models during the summer was hopelessly wrong.

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