Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Depends on your locality. I have only been asked once in a pub in my county.

I caught the tail end of a local news report where some Nora was giving out that her auld wan was fierce disappointed that she wasn’t asked for her Covid cert when she went into town for a bit of tea.

fellas posting pictures of their children holding up a sign saying “hi grandad” from outside the front gate

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I was asked once for it by some young one in an Insomnia I think but aside from that jesus you’d never be asked for it really.

youd still see fellas with a mask on in supervalu allrite but all this hand sanitisation nonsense is done away with

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Drive by birthday parties with presents flung out of moving cars


remember last year we had to spray disinfectant on footballs…for an airborne virus.
I’d say this covid is everywhere tho, you’d be spluttered upon there tying kids laces at the weekend, the whole lot of them coughing and spluttering at training now tomorrow…end of October and parents sending young lads up dressed like the middle of August.
its a farce really…

“I’m freezing coach”
“have ya any jacket kayden?”
" no me mam gave ih to me bruhar"
" is she here?"
“dunno coach”


I really worry about a winter surge and the madness that will ensue. Covid will get so infectious everyone will have it. Could be the end of civilization but it’s largely over anyway.

Lads will be literally stabbing other lads over a half empty box of tissues

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Your man ming getting a tesco home delivery dressed in a hazmat suit then going into his garage to disinfect eash item individually

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Wouldnt blame them they have consistently given bad data. We know how bad Nolans models are, add in the fear of last Christmas and they can’t be seen to go against the ‘experts’. The current excuse of covid over running the health service is a great excuse to throw political parties under the bus for years of not tackling the problems in the HSE. The conditions in the Irish health service is perfect for covid to spread but all comes back to an inadequate health service pre covid that was in the same position every year with the winter flu.

The goverment will bottle it again no less. Not due to the public, lifting restrictions or the 7% unvaccinated but years of neglected of the health service

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I think they’ll give a little and hold back a little. As Laz suggested, rigourous enforcement of vaccine certs, but a loosening of rules.
Most pubs have no rules now anyway, but that’s another story.
Let night clubs open but at 50% capacity or some shite.

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Socially distanced nightclubs. None of that dancing malarkey and all the courting done in the smoking area. Win win

They just need to get their doors open, once that happens all rules will be gone out the window after a few weeks

And windows

So throw those curtains wide, one day of night clubs a year would see me right

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Chris Luke is on Newstalk here talking about nightclub medicine.

“One of the things I’ve always been interested in is looking after clubbers.”

The lack of a “to” in the quote there probably eliminates any non roaster TDs

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Lock it down