Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Itā€™s always entertaining when dumbasses like yourself get indignant when on discovering what RATM were actually singing about. Did ye not understand any of the words the first time?

@glenshane reminds me a bit of former Republican US vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, who was a fan of Rage Against The Machine yet also a devotee of Ayn Rand.

The modelling is next to useless at this point. Perhaps thatā€™s just a function of what is a highly complex and unstable transmission pattern. Ultimately though in terms of the wide variety of possible outcomes the modelling suggests and then mapping the actual results vs the predicted scenarios they seem to be way off.

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The models are fine. Itā€™s the virus thatā€™s acting the cunt


Oh is it always entertaining, really? Iā€™d say youā€™re regularly stopped in your tracks and taken aback by the sheer number of random encounters involving lads showing their ignorance of what they were actually singing about the first time round. Still, it must do wonders for your attempts to bolster your sense of adequacy ?

Somehow the anti vaxxers will win the game of chess while playing battleship.

Hospitalisations have gone from 42 on July 3rd to 484 now. Thatā€™s a 12 fold increase.

What would be the logic that says that hospitalisations wouldnā€™t double in a month if all restrictions were dropped?

Bear in mind also that this new strain of Delta coming out Scotland with an estimated transmission advantage in the 5-20% range is gaining a serious foothold and will likely become dominant.

What would worry me about the variant situation is that we only hear about new variants or in this case ā€œsubdivisionsā€ (semantics) when the cat is already out of the bag.

A 5-20% transmission advantage is bad but not as bad as one might have feared.

But I would fear that we will get something else much worse following hot on the heels of this Hamish McJockstrap Delta strain, something with a similar sort of transmissibility to measles.

Itā€™s ok to be embarrassed by your stupid mistake, I would be too if I were you.

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I just canā€™t help remembering your strimmer/chainsaw moments of thick headed self-satisfaction. You might be having another go here but are just too thick to realise it.

Now try to remember that you made a big deal out of having me on ignoreā€¦on several occasions. Honestly

I never understand messages like that. Itā€™s like the writers of them cannot comprehend the possibility of not going back to 2019 normality this winter.

Therefore they canā€™t comprehend the distinct possibility that we are entering a dark age and that humanity is effectively stranded.

Itā€™s something we all need to start considering.

The most likely way we will arrive at that nightmare scenario is by pretending the problem can be wished away.

Thatā€™s the way we have arrived at the scenario we are at now.

At this stage, I think weā€™d be as well to write off this winter completely.

Which is further evidence that the modelling isnā€™t really fit for purpose, seeing as it wasnā€™t predicted at all.

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We must listen to Nolan and his models.
Unless heā€™s talking about schools in which case heā€™s a gaslighting charlatan.


Can someone more medically qualified than me give an indication of the need to expose the population to the ā€˜normalā€™ environment again?

I am not disputing the power of Covid and the need to rein things in but surely it is not good for a society to be kept away from all types of diseases in the long run?

Without evidence that nightclubs, bars, full crowd sporting events massively drive infection rates itā€™s unjustified to keep them closed. Cases are transmitted across a rake of areas of society and we appear to have decided that most of those are ok but we absolutely canā€™t have the additional 10 or 20 or whatever percent it would be that would arise from hospitality.

Even if they would account for a rise in cases, which seems obvious, surely we can do something elsewhere to balance this? If every school child took an antigen test twice weekly how many cases would that take out of circulation? Would that counterbalance the additional cases from hospitality settings?


Good luck with this.

NPHET models have no credibility and are certainly not a basis to run the country.

The worry here is that HSE have very cleverly moved debate on the health system from an area they control (capacity) to an area they can blame public for (demand)

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Not sure if itā€™s still continuing but lots of European countries have been doing this for long periods of time. So why not?

You could do the same in workplace environments where spread is higher.

Iā€™m pretty sure it would have been contained as a possibility within the range of scenarios the July models gave.