Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Have we confirmation on this full capacity lark yet lads. Tickets for Ireland Portugal were due out today!

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Yes all capacity restrictions gone

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It says you don’t have to wear a mask while eating or drinking or dancing. Presumably so you have to put one on while queueing at the bar. Unclear about shifting. On the dancefloor you’re probably grand but if you’re in a non-dancing area you’d be required to wear a mask.


Why do they bother with this shite?

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Would a shouwldering competition fall in under dancing?


High jinx but low brow

Will be easy to spot the lads doing personal when they leave the cubicle of the jacks with no mask on.

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Surely come up with some sort of contraption where you could fit the bag to the inside of the mask, meaning you wouldn’t even need to go to the cubicle.

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cc @TheUlteriorMotive


Full house allowed for Ireland-v-Portugal
I’d say Dela is still pulling a few strings

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Because, science aside, they are politically caught between a chunk of the population who are straining at the leash and another chunk of the population who think we should all climb back under the bed.

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The polls always bounce on this. When people are scared they want more restrictions.

Not allowing indoor standing concerts is the silliest aspect of this.

was that Eamon Ryan who left a big sneeze out of him halfway thru meehole’s speech?

Masks except when dancing. For the love of Jesus

Came into the office today to do a few bits.
Some amount of coughing and spluttering going on.

Vax passes are the silver bullet. Antigen tests for rapid results no where near as effective as a mail on your phone

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That’ll be one shit Halloween disco

Leo and Mehole pretty much threw their hands in the air there and admitted that listen, we know a lot of this doesn’t make much sense and is contradictory but give us a break here.


We’re an outlier under precisely none of those criteria.

Yerrah they are right too.
You’ll have nerds going through the guidelines looking for contradictions so they can get a few likes online.

Wrong again.