Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Simple fuckers doubling down when a blind man can see they were stitched up like a kipper.

Free vaccine? Are you a taxpayer?

They ain’t free you daft cunt.

It’s all very Darwinian

I paid the same amount of income tax this year when I got the vaccine as last year so that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny

Gearoid has done more pivots than Ross Gellars couch


You really are a stupid fucker.

Enjoy your shit health service, shit roads, shit public transport, lack of affordable housing, shit infrastructure, high interest rates, 23% VAT rate and sky high rents because you can get a free vaccine that serves little purpose unless you’re a fat bastard. You seem to lack a basic knowledge on what taxpayers money should and can be used for and how it’s funded.

Why are you getting so angry?

My income tax wouldn’t have been any higher or lower depending on if I got a vaccine or not, therefore it’s free

Have you decided I’m angry?

I merely goading you for being an absolute simpeton and you’re getting defensive.

Your income tax is being wasted on useless vaccines, enjoy inflation, sky high rents, shit healthcare, rising cost of living and deplorable public services.

You really lack the intelligence to view the bigger picture, you can only see this in terms of foreign holidays and income tax.

Calling vaccines useless and then saying someone else lacks intelligence is a bit thick, isn’t it?

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Not at all.

12 months on from docile fuckwits like you doing what you’re told and…back to square one.

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You’re not getting the likes you deserve for that mate

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I’d have given it a like if he hadn’t butchered it so badly the first time.

How are we back to square one, were mostly open?

You need to stop liking stuff mate.

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I wont be bullied into changing who I am.

Another one which violate’s Betteridge’s Law of Headlines.

The answer is Yes, yes it was a mistake.

Ireland’s head of test and trace, Niamh O’Beirne, who is a management consultant or some such from EY, was interviewed on the Pat Kenny Show this morning.

She tried to make out that older family members were infecting schoolchildren, not the other way around.

Is there no beginning to the abilities of management consultants from EY?

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You need to calm down mate

Lovely phrase.

Why get the civil service to run something when you can get a “big four” consultant in to do an even worse job for money?

What’s different from last October?

No 9 euro meal to buy a pint?
You can dance in a nightclub?

Stop being so defensive about being shown up a halfwit.