Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The halfwits are the ones stuck at home because they’re afraid of a needle in the arm


The evil of two lessers I suppose

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You are very ill informed on this topic considering you spend all your day writing about it


That was what me oul’ fella used to call Gay Mitchell.

Try and address the question numbnuts.

Would you say some of the anti-vaxxers were hanging on to now, presuming that it would abolish the vaccine certs etc and they’d be able to get into restaurants/pubs easier?

Will a % of the less-committed ones take the path of least resistance now and get the jab?

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You’ll find other differences too if you look. They’ve made a hash of the announcement but hopefully they will tidy it up and nightclubs can function and live music to follow. Nonsensical travel rules mostly gone (although some minimal nonsensical rules retained at an ignorable level). I’d say we’re far more open and in a much more stable position than a year ago. Sure you’d want to be a social recluse not to see that.

Aww how cute you are with your little permission slip.

It seems to me that the stick approach has worked elsewhere.

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There’s no comparison in restrictions between now and last October. Yerman hasn’t a clue

Sell it to me.

What has the vaccination rollout achieved in terms of society in the past 12 months?

A permissions slip to get served pints at a table, a permission slip to sit down and watch live music?

You keep saying that but seem to baulk when you’re asked to explain. That’s what happens when a dimwit like yourself has to double down on your stupidity.

I’m sure you’re well aware of the advantages and effects the vaccines have had.

That was the first time I said it. Are you hallucinating?

We were about to go into lockdown this time last year

Off the top of my head we have from Friday vs last October:

International Travel back open
Sports attendances at 100% capacity vs. 200 people
No need to buy food to have a few pints
Nightclubs back open
Normal closing times in pubs/nightclubs
Full capacity on public transport
Working from home no longer a necessity

I’m sure there’s far more but all of those are fairly massive changes


The kids are in school too


Jesus Christ.

You are stuck to table service in pretty much all of those highlighted. Enjoy your table service at nightclubs, you dimwit.

Where’s the announcement of 100% sports capacity?

Working from home is probably a drawback for a lot of people.

So basically billions spent so you can dance on a nightclub floor? You daft fucker.

Ireland are playing Portugal in the Aviva at full capacity next month.

You’re talking absolute nonsense if you think we have anything similar to the same level of restrictions as October last year from Friday