Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You’re talking absolute nonsense that this has been any sort of success story when at 90%> vaccinated rate you are still stuck with permissions slips, table service, seating, masks and no mingling.

Table service at nightclubs isn’t required. Now who’s the dimwit?

Wrong. You have to wear your mask unless seated or dancing.

Nice trying to change the subject from your completely incorrect assertion that there is little difference in restrictions from last October

I’m not trying to change the subject, very little has changed.

All that’s changed in the pub is possibly a few extra hours and no need for a 9e meal.

And international travel, and full capacity at outdoor sporting events, and full capacity on public transport, and schools open with no threat of closing, and people back working in offices

You can still travel without a vaccine.

I didn’t say you couldn’t

These protective measures include:

  • Use of a vaccination or recovery certificate (for example, the EU Digital COVID Certificate) for indoor hospitality and events
  • Social distancing
  • Use of face coverings when not eating, drinking and dancing
  • Table service only in hospitality settings with a maximum of 10 people per table (15 per table including children)
  • Indoor events such as live music and sports events must be fully seated

And some people think we’ve come a long way.

So in other words, it’s achieved fuck all.

You’re trying to get away from the point at hand again which is that there is a massive difference in restrictions between after this Friday and last October

There’s not.

You can’t stand up and have a pint in a pub
You can’t move around a pub without a face nappy in the pub
You can’t mix and mingle with people outside your own group in a pub
If you’re in a group more than 10 in a pub you can’t all congregate together
You can’t order at the bar in the pub
You have to show a permission slip to get a pint
You have to socially distance yourself from people other than your table in a pub

The only difference for nightclubs seems to be you can go on a designated floor and dance and can order at the bar with your face nappy on.

Why are you leaving out stuff which isn’t to do with pubs?

International travel, schools, public transport, working in the office, full capacity at outdoor sporting events all big changes

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Geniuses, lower your voices
You keep out of trouble and you double your choices
I’m with you, but the situation is fraught
You’ve got to be carefully taught

Schools were open this time last year.
Working in the office is actually a drawback to some
Public transport was running last year and still requires face nappies
Outdoor sporting events still require face nappies
International travel still requires face nappies

And you’ve ignored the points I’ve raised.

Face masks, sitting down, staying away from others - nothing has changed really. You docile fucks celebrating this as some sort of victory. Deep down you know it too but you’ve made such a tit of yourself the past 12 months you don’t have humility to recognise it.

Big rise in psychosis cases in England. Just saying, like.

Psychosis can involve seeing or hearing things that other people do not (hallucinations) and developing beliefs that are not based on reality (delusions), which can be highly distressing. It can be a symptom of mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe depression, but psychosis can also be a one-off, potentially triggered by a traumatic experience, extreme stress or drug and alcohol misuse.

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And remember: the only people who need “face nappies” – awww… – are those people who habitually talk shit.

I know a few unvaccinated who got their friends to send on their certs to them. They use that then when in pubs etc.

Sure that’s what I’ve been doing.

It’s all fucking theatre that serves no purpose.

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You have what they allow you. That’s the difference