Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

NPHET are back LIVE today

Too busy running ISAG zooms to be lecturing.

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Waterford with the highest covid rate in the country. Must be it’s proximity to the UK.

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Must be the low vaccine uptake


Highest vaccinated county with highest vaccinated infection rate.

Hilarious and all the stooks blaming the unvaccinated.

ICU up 12 to 86.

Try and not use dumb sarcasm for all your posts. It just makes you look like the asexual forklift fella.


Ewan is losing it here. :joy:

The village idiot is nearly on an emoji per word here.


The Queens Bhoy is seething today

Well if its a pandemic of the unvaccinated…

Go and spend some time with your “wife” and “kids” mate. I won’t be engaging with your inanity any more.

Psychosis can involve seeing or hearing things that other people do not (hallucinations) and developing beliefs that are not based on reality (delusions), which can be highly distressing. It can be a symptom of mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe depression, but psychosis can also be a one-off, potentially triggered by a traumatic experience, extreme stress or drug and alcohol misuse.

I’ll be intrigued to see what line of “it’s grand” spin that Conor Riocht fella takes with these figures.

Solid numbers let it rip baby baaaby


Good fuck, they just said the next few weeks would be crucial on 6.01

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Wtf is it with funerals and the spread of Covid?

Met two chaps from Carlow area today and again they’ve seen family member & neighbours getting hit with this whilst attending a funeral.

Crowded areas with shit ventilation is just a complete no no….

Covid rampant (well a few cases, at least four and one confirmed in my girls pod) in my daughters 4th class, principal can’t inform parents, what’s the story with that? It’s been going on since last week it seems.
We’re heading off to Spain on Sunday so this is a bit of a prick of a thing now.