Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Thanks bro

Woah - that would mean America under Donald Trump created the virus?!

Fucking hell!

Lock him up!!!

Look we disagree on the approach to covid but it took so long for experts to admit that it’s airborne. This is one of the issues I have with masks is the experts who advocate masks say its droplets and that covid will not spread if you wear one. If its airborne that most masks are useless unless n95/ffp2 or better.

My real question is what size is the particals and is the mask advice accurate? If n95 is required, are we not being told to use these as it will massively strain supply? I had to source these at the start of covid as they were required ppe for my job. It was a nightmare. Also very annoying to wear.

Covid is clearly airborne we can agree on that.

I read that with Joe rogans fauci impression

The dynamics of masks appear to me to be like the dynamics of vaccines. They work best when everybody wears them.

That applies to any type of mask. Any mask is better than not wearing any. Obviously the better the mask the better the protection.

There is also the psychological aspect to masks - that of respecting other people and respecting the seriousness of the virus.

And that’s why this is such a culture war issue - the culture war as always only being waged by one side - the loony side. Their denialist worldview depends on disrespecting and denying the seriousness of the virus and refusing to wear masks is a very visible demonstration of that.

Like with all types of fascism, there’s a deep seated psychological need to not appear physically weak in any way. That need is paradoxically driven by a deep seated insecurity about physical prowess.

Basically those who refuse to wear masks are big fuckin’ babies.

Some people have genuine medical reasons, certified by their medical practitioners, for not wearing face coverings.

And if they have genuine medical reasons for not doing so, that’s fine.

If they don’t, and they’re objecting because they don’t like having to wear masks, they’re big fuckin’ babies.

Wearing a mask isn’t too much of an issue for me I do wear them but don’t see any benefits.

I don’t think the blue ones are any good, slightly better than people wearing rags. Don’t get me started on the roaster visor.

I only think that they would be effective of everyone wore the correct mask based on the airborne partials etc. But I suspect there isn’t enough supply for people to change daily.

There is a culture war issue in anti maskers just to be contrary in the main (as I said I just wear it as no one needs to listen to me shite on about them being a cod). Over on the states there is a pro trump statement about anti masks. Same folk are anti vax which makes no sense to me. Masks will be gone when the pandemic is over.

When you’re out and about, and you see someone not wearing a face covering, what’s your immediate reaction? Do you see a non-face covering wearer in a shop and think “what a big fuckin’ baby”, or do you assume they have a genuine medical reason? Are you enraged, or filled with empathy?

Could be a while. By far the people I feel most sorry are the health workers in full PPE. I had to wear it when I was in the hospital and it’s not very pleasant at all.

And I don’t realistically foresee a situation coming soon where they can go maskless.

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In probably 400 or so visits to shops and supermarkets since July 2020 when mask use became de rigeur, I’ve never actually seen anybody in a supermarket or a shop not wearing a mask.

I’ll get back to you if and when that happens.

Its very uncomfortable tbf to wear the proper ppe. Not to add the HSE bought shite ppe from China that was no good.

Probably will be until next March April till masks are gone at the earliest. I’m not happy about it at all but that won’t change it. As I’ve said I don’t see the benefits except reducing some of the anxiety caused by rte in some people who Probably were on edge pre covid.

There’s a reason why pretty much all experts advocate widespread mask use.

Certain people in society in my opinion appear to be advocating for more cases, hospitalised, more deaths so they can be proved right and signal towards perpetual lockdowns. We are at 94% over 18s vaccinations in this country, obviously this is not enough as outlined by Holohan and the sword of lockdown hangs over us this is no way to live. We have lost enough over the last 19 months I am fully vaccinated and had enough of this get after living people.


99% of masks in circulation are useless.

Anecdotal evidence of proof wearing the same rag for months now. It’s a useless exercise except for the people who are anxious due to RTE.


Certain people live for lockdown.


How on earth do you make this out?

It’s obvious motivated reasoning.

Whereas the rationale of a lot of “open it up” people can only be explained by complete indifference to death.

You’re looking in entirely the wrong place.

If its airborne than the droplets arguement is fairly bad. The rags stop droplets but are not filtered enough for smaller airborne particals. Fairly useless if you ask me. I have had to source ffp2 masks before for a partical riddled work space. As part of HSA guildlines for correct use of masks, fit testing and training is required for all employees who wear them and work in the area to ensure they are perfectly sealed. Beards and facial hair is not allowed as it can create gaps.


Thanks for your opinion, Professor.

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It’s now a three dose vaccine. Use that cert while it’s still valid!