Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Booster jab 17 data is pretty spectacular!

10k previously 16x dosed (median 3 months from dose 16) 98% relative risk reduction in symptomatic infection in intervention arm etc etc

Gimme a fucking break.


Enjoy those nightclubs!

Although these issues pre date Covid


They will closed again in 2 weeks

Be a fucking great two weeks though

A booster every six months and a lockdown every winter.

Will pubs be open this Christmas ?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I don’t see the issue with boosters every six months at all.

This is a common refrain here on TFK, usually the typical WUMs spout it.
It’s the exact same as saying that the hardcore OIUTFers are hoping for a massive spike in suicides.
Why would anybody really want either?


me either. Sure the flu jab has to be done every year. I’m not sure why people thought there would only be one dose of this and that would be it.

So it starts out good for life, then 2 years, then 6 months…?

I don’t have any problem with someone getting a booster every week if they want it and it’s available

I do have a problem with rolling vaccine certs

A very good comment on The Journal there:

Conor Brady5y

2hours ago

Assuming most have been to college and most have been on the lash, ask yourself why would intelligent politicians open bars and nightclubs but have some a lot of ridiculous social distancing clauses in there like 2m apart at the bar?

The answer is surely – blame. Why would Professor Philip Nolan, bossman of NPHET blame the annual October surge of virus cases on our behaviour this year?! We know this happens every year for environmental reasons (plummeting vit D, heating on drying mucosal layers, neither of which were mentioned by him). Nothing to do with us letting our hair down.

The problem is politicians live in a blame culture. Mistakes are not tolerated by the other side or the public. This means they learn to highlight them, massaging figures and never, ever admitting responsibility, as we see with the ongoing suffering of cervical smear campaigners, why ordinary people already suffering have to drag the HSE through the high court to admit culpability and why you want to tear your ears off when listening to them not admitting something on the radio.

If something goes well, it was them. If something goes badly, it was someone else.

This approach has very much been applied at every step with Covid. Our behaviour at Christmas is why the hospitals were under pressure this year (and years previously?). The kids are spreading it everywhere (turns out they don’t). Now it’s the bloody anti-vaxxers. It’s certainly NOT the fact they are still refusing to treat the sick, still refusing to use antigen tests and still resorting to lockdowns two years in, with studies telling us this is 5-10 times worse for public health as a whole.

Today they stick stubbornly to the claim that it’s the bloody unvaccinated spreading it around so they are kept out of fun spots using a yellow badge. This is despite studies clearly showing vaccine status is entirely unrelated to transmission. The vaccinated spread it around fine, hence highly vaccinated countries with spiralling cases, worse than last year in fact, and of course Gibraltar, 100% vaxxed, cases worse than last year.

Locally, we have our own Gibraltar – Waterford. 99.7% vaxxed and the highest case rate in Ireland. Now, this doesn’t fit the narrative at all. This conundrum was put to Tony Holohan yesterday, a scientist like O’Neil that is unaccustomed to defending his science in public. So Tony, what’s the story with Waterford? Listen to that answer…

As Tony eventually gets out, it’s not just about vaccinations, they’re just one part of the puzzle. My heart skipped a beat to hear this admission, what was he going to say next? They’re moving to antigen tests like every other country in Europe? Free vitamin therapies for the care homes? Treat positive test cases with simple therapies (antivirals, antiinflammatories, neutraceuticals, steroid inhalers) proven to keep 85% of sufferers out of hospital? Put in place winter ICU surge capacity? What Tony, tell us?!!

No, the other parts were all about our behaviour, our compliance. What started out as a few weeks, protect the vulnerable soon became an exact percentage that needed vaccinating before “herd immunity” would be achieved (fail), has now become 100% vaccine compliance, including our kids, with the added caveat that we must do what we’re told all the time or even with 100% compliance they might have to bring in restrictions.

Like vaccine certs, social distancing in nightclubs is an utterly ridiculous concept. We are doomed to fail there. Unfortunately for us, this apparent failure will coincide with the Winter surge in viral cases, but guess who’s fault the trolley crisis is now?


Never waste a good crisis


It’s funny how people sneer at vitamin d but not at this utter charlatan

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You needn’t worry about Tony under the Queens watch bud.

You should enjoy partition while it lasts, you west brits are running out of time

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You can really spot those with the lowest form of wit when you have a free stater laying a Brit jibe at northern nationalists.

Ask Conor Bradley and Niall McGinn. Soup takers.

You need to let it go.

Have you not a job to be at?