Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Good healthy outdoor mingling

We are back baby, this bank holiday weekend is going to be the GOATEST


Sure what would yis call yerselves in the ā€œitā€™s all a codā€ cult?

Yis have all been sucking each othersā€™ bollixes for the last 19 months for moral support. Itā€™s been pathetic to witness. And not one of yis capable of debating. :grinning:

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Just wait until itā€™s good unhealthy indoor mingling.

Why donā€™t ā€œyisā€ take another Xanax to stop that hand trembling with Covid anxiety.

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Would it be acceptable in your eyes if I did have Covid anxiety?

Great to see Spiderman out enjoying himself in Maynooth with a few pints and giving the two fingers to all the bedwetters, touts and paranoid.


Fucking love to see it, back to the days of shifting half a dozen before the kebab. Let er rip

Masks on fighting outside the chipper, unless youā€™ve a taco fries in the paw

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In my non medically qualified opinion you are a classic hypochondriac who also suffers from neurosis, throw in frequent bouts of delusional paranoia and it all paints one sorrowful picture. Now can you accept that?

Iā€™m not really interested in your amateur psychology - youā€™re as shit at that as you are at everything else - but Iā€™ll take you up on that rant - how would the fact that Iā€™ve been out to pubs several times during the summer (including indoors a couple of times) tally with what you say?

You didnā€™t answer the question by the way.

Would it be acceptable in your eyes if I did have Covid anxiety?

Itā€™s a simple yes or no question.

So if the vaccination was 100% effective and vaccinated lads are twice as likely to get infected and the the booster is 95% effective does this mean that after the booster youā€™re 5% or 2.5% less protected than an unvaccinated person?

ā€œRantā€ :grin: I already alluded to how you cope in attempting to live a somewhat normal life, glad the meds are helping.

You are the greatest weasel here for refusing to answer Yes or No questions so you can scratch your own itch now.

Iā€™m probably the most up front poster here at answering Yes or No questions. Are you going to answer the question?

Would it be acceptable in your eyes if I did have Covid anxiety?

Yes or No?

Sure you are buddy, sure you are.

Are you going to answer the question, friend?

How is that clamp fitting you? Too tight?

Youā€™re not making any sense at all.

Are you going to answer the question?

Covid is airborne anyone who Denys it is a moron. If its a surface only disease it would be so transmissible considering how much sanitisation of surfaces is done

Well you see what I donā€™t get is that particular posters here make great play of the fact - and it is a fact - that Covid is airborne and transmits massively through aerosols (Iā€™m not saying it cannot transmit through droplets or surfaces).

And yet those particular posters hang on the every word of Carl Heneghan, who has consistently denied or spread doubt about the fact that Covid is airborne. Heneghan is very close to the ā€œGreat Barrington Declarationā€ set.

And simultaneously, they vilify the likes of ISAG and Independent SAGE and like minded people who have been shouting from the rooftops for the entirety of the pandemic about Covid being airborne.

None of this tallies, except that these posters took a decision early in the pandemic that they would eulogise one and vilify the others.

ie. That they would use cult of personality to guide them.

Never a good idea, and not a good idea at all in this case.

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