Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Bank Holiday Friday mate. On the wind down.

Have you been off the past week? Youā€™ve nearly 4k posts read on here in that time.

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Itā€™s gas to see them gloating at having their country partitioned, a serious lack of self awareness

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From that data we can safely say the vaccine is reducing the strain on ICU capacity. I suspect and taking a punt here, that a lot of the deaths of people with 2 doses are people with underlying conditions that contracted covid but covod and the underlying condition may have both contributed to the death

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Sure 93% of deaths were related to people with underlying health conditions before a vaccine had even been released.

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If somebody offered you a 100 quid would you take the vaccine ?

I dont mate. Skipping past your 3,500 posts.

Iā€™ve only had 123 posts so it looks like youā€™re telling more porkies. Might be best you found better use of your time.

I wouldnā€™t take if someone offered me 10k.


Still up for Sputnik?

Itā€™s rare to meet a man of principles that wonā€™t be swayed by money.

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Iā€™d trust Sputnik over other vaccines.

If he was principled he wouldnā€™t be using other peopleā€™s vaccines certs. Heā€™d just being awkward for the sake off being awkward.

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Shows how seriously anyone should take anything you post.

My track record is solid as fuck. Never been defeated in an internet debate on here.



The OIUTF mob were claiming with no evidence at all that lockdown had directly led to a massive spike in suicides.

This was an opportunistic lie put out there to push for a free for all at a time when there was no vaccination, which obviously would have been nuts.

When conclusive evidence arrived that the claim was indeed a lie, most of them would not accept it and started to move the goalposts as a coping mechanism.

So I think thereā€™s more than a grain of truth in the premise that a lot of the people who had been making this false claim were indeed hoping they would be proved right - because they refused to accept the reality when they were proved wrong.

See Sports Gemma for the most obvious representation of this phenomenon.

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Iā€™d use a fake passport, but only to get past security at Cyberdyne Systems. Once skynet is destroyed thatā€™ll be me finished with them

Why wouldnā€™t I be using other peopleā€™s certs.

You only need them down in the nanny state anyway.