Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You canā€™t stand by your principles?

I can and have.

Youā€™re a liar and a fraud.

Keep slinging mud, intelligent and substantiated debate is world away from your capabilities.

Impersonating other people instead of standing over your principles. A charlatan.

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Standing by my principles and fucking the system I despise. Glad that unsettles you, shillboy.

Fluvio is a rebel in a very conformist sort of way.

Like somebody who wears a Ramones t-shirt from Penneys but doesnā€™t know any Ramones songs.

Like the ā€œalternativeā€ member of a boy band who goes solo and says ā€œI think people will be surprised at how serious and alternative my solo music is.ā€

Life is a rollercoaster.


It saddens me to see a supposed man of principle turn out to be a sneak and a phony.

may well be, but when that type of data has been held back since day 1 of this crisis; we still dont know the true figures of deaths from covid or death with covid

A shame you didnā€™t take such a stance when you bellowed at people jumping the vaccine queue when you did so yourself.

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In all fairness, itā€™s quite likely impossible to tell in many cases.

not quite sure id go along with that. with a number of terminal diseases covid may have hastened the death but the main causal factor would have been the terminal disease

We still donā€™t know exactly how many deaths have occurred as a result of health services being fucked because of Covid, and we probably never will.

The Economist estimates the total number of dead as result of this pandemic at well over 15 million, I presume itā€™s well over 16 million by this stage because that study came out over a month ago.

Russiaā€™s official Covid deaths are 228k but the excess mortality is over 750k.

so you agree with me that governments should be more forthcoming with full statistics rather than soundbite stats

Iā€™d imagine a lot of these problems can be linked to Lockdowns and excessive restrictions after the first wave.

You imagine a lot of things in fairness to you.

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If Covid hastens death it is a death caused by Covid.

If somebody dies from cancer we do not say they were going to die anyway. But they were going to die anyway, some time, whenever that is. It could be months, it could have be years, it could have be decades.

Because we all die in the end.

Whatever the amount of time that is denied, it is precious time denied.

You ok hun?

Itā€™s amazing the same freaks were not shrieking with winter flu ravaged us every winter. I suppose it was not something they could manipulate to appear virtuous.

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an exercise in semantics. those people who died with covid wouldnt have died had they not been already on the wyas out with a terminal disease.

simple yes or no, should authorities be more forthcoming with statistics?