Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Itā€™s not an exercise in semantics. All time is precious, however long that is.

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In the north, they have 0.5% of Covid deaths being Hospice patients as far as I know.

Itā€™s the equivalent of putting down pneumonia as cause of death of people who died from AIDS.

Theyā€™d not have died from pneumonia if they didnā€™t have AIDS.


it was, and you know it was.

can you answer the question i posed?

First of all those deaths are Covid deaths, and second of all, if you had any sort of a point at all, the figures would be a hell of a lot higher than 0.5%.

Much more pertinent to ask why the UK does not count anybody who dies after a 28 day cut off point as a Covid death in their headline figures.

Thatā€™s massaging statistics to make them look better than then really are - lying in other words.

clearly some people have never come across ā€œbut forā€

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Sure 93% of deaths were classified as having underlying health conditions before the vaccine was even rolled out.

Sure they had to stop giving the vaccine to some nursing home residents in Norway because it was pushing them over the edge and killing them.

The big parameter around Covid is age and health. The whole vaccinated/unvaccinated debate is the new red herring for those overseeing government and health services from accepting responsibility for their mess.

Vaccines certainly help people vulnerable to Covid but do fuck all for everyone else. Any fit and healthy young person probably at a better standpoint from natural immunity than vaccines. Hasnā€™t really does us much harm with seasonal flus.

The E word here is the key one. Eugenicism. That may not be what those who preach such sentiments intend, but that is how it comes across. Eugenicist.

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Amazing the freaks who were long term members on here and are handwringing over Covid had little issue with seasonal flu and how it impacted the vulnerable, ill and elderly.

I suppose itā€™s the fact that they donā€™t really care, they just want to be seen to care. Deeply cynical, deeply sociopathic.

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Delighted to say Iā€™m booked in for me flu jab tomorrow.

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Like when you said students here donā€™t wear masks because it suited your argument that we have less restrictions than elsewhere.?


People who are in a Hospice are there for end of life treatment. They have days or weeks left generally so the fact that 0.5% of all Covid deaths recorded in the north are people who were in a care setting, bed ridden and imminently dying are actually having their cause of death manipulated is troubling.


The NISRA figure includes 2,204 deaths in hospital, 807 in care homes, 14 in hospices and 244 at residential addresses or other locations.

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The majority of schoolchildren donā€™t wear masks in school. I was incorrect in my assertion that all schoolchildren donā€™t wear masks so thanks for correcting me on that.

The point remains that major European countries currently have more stringent restrictions than we have and that was before today. Italy, France and Germany have considerably tighter restrictions.

After today Iā€™d say there are few enough European countries with looser restrictions.

So the elderly and frail patients that died in Norway after getting the vaccine?

Death from natural causes or vaccine deaths?

The freaks like to be very disingenuous with the truth.

1 case of bronchiolitis recorded in Altnagelvin all last winter, this week kids operations are being cancelled because of the number of cases of bronchiolitis being treated. Generally February is the worst month for it so things will get a lot worse before they get better.

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Itā€™s amazing how this hysteria was lacking when it was flu.

Look at death stats for the Winter flu season in 17/18 and not a peep about it. Few people even realised it happened.


No bother mate. Obviously the entire secondary school population is a sizeable minority. Probably 350,000 or so wearing masks. Glad you didnt forget about them.

The Queens Bhoy :joy:

The countries that have had full hospitality open since September?