Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Funny, hapes of kids in hospital with respiratory illnesses…but wait, surely they’re wearing masks in school specifically to protect them…but wait…what if…
Anyhow. Its perfectly bleeding obvious to any parent or doctor that forcing children to wear masks can’t be healthy, but no-one will speak up. The medical profession should be ashamed. So much for their oath


And yet the number of deaths has dramatically fallen.

There have been as many cases reported in Ireland since the vaccine programme really kicked off in Ireland in late February as there was in the first 12 months of the pandemic. In that time the number of deaths has dramatically fallen. The like for like death comparison is something like 4,700 vs. 600 (and some of those 600 will have had got Covid ore Feb).

The vaccine is clearly highly effective at reducing severe illness and death notwithstanding underlying illness. It’s a misnomer to bring it up at this stage.

Don’t be coming here with your vaccine fascism and fake vaccine news.

There’s also been more testing I’m sure you’ll find.

Again I’ve not said the vaccine isn’t effective in at risk categories. I’ve merely said that’s been fuck all use in categories not at risk.

Case in point. Data available up north.

U40 deaths Feb 2020 - Dec 2020 (3) (~35K positive cases)
U40 deaths Jan 2021 - present (10 additional) (120k additional positive cases)

In other words, the vaccines have had fuck all difference on fatality rates in the u40 category. It’s been a waste of time giving fit and healthy people a vaccine against a virus that poses minimal threat.

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Yea obviously, and as I’ve mentioned on the same point previously, there are limitations to any stats.

But quite clearly a significant reduction in severe illness and mortality. There’s no point in bringing up underlying illnesses before and after and talking like for like. Covid did cause a loss or quality of life years and was highly disruptive to the health service- how acceptable it was to put the restrictions in is a separate point.

The arguments for u40 are separate. I was always a believer that we should not be vaccinating younger people before the world had access to the vaccine. For a country though with access, it is clear why they would do it though. For an individual you have to make your own assessment though going to the hassle of faking a Covid cert is very under 18 wanting to drink territory. As much fun as it was to do it, we all really couldn’t wait to be 18 and for the hassle to be gone. You can argue that the Government are being draconian, but your protest movement doesn’t hold much value when you have to go to the bother of fakery.

They won’t tell us that until the tribunal in 2028 mate. A dog with a mallet up its hole knows the biggest cause of deaths in April 2020 was moving infected people from hospitals to care homes without testing or infection control


I think we can both agree that vaccines have helped at risk categories.

I think we can both agree that vaccines have done fuck all for those not in at risk categories, this is certainly supported by data up north.


I don’t think there’s any arguing with those two points.

The benefit for a youngish fittish person on a micro level is absolutely miniscule but I suppose it is still there. It was free and the dangers of the vaccine are miniscule too.

The main benefits are on a macro more societal level. I’d see it as a bit like voting. Each individual vote matters fuck all (I don’t think an election has ever been won by one vote) but it’s still something people take seriously they feel like their contributing they’re doing their bit.

Each person who gets the vaccine reduces transmission by a tiny tiny bit. All these tiny bits add up to a bit less chance of a vulnerable person (who’s chances have already been reduced by getting the vaccine) getting covid and going into hospital or dying.
The great stats on vaccination also give an intangible invaluable confidence to those same vulnerable people who are scared out of their wits by the media and govt but also by all the thousands of people just like them who have died. It allows them sleep a bit easier, feel a bit happier. I see it with a lot of older people I know.
I respect anyone’s view to choose not to take the vaccine and don’t have any problem with it but I do think they should factor the above things into their choice. If they still can’t or won’t take it that’s up to them.


Yet places and countries with higher vaccination rates have more cases?

Yeah true enough depending on who you listen to and what stats you read you might think it doesn’t actually reduce transmission at all. I suppose who you believe would have to be factored into your decision too.
The confidence for older people is hard enough to argue against though. In fairness there’s probably a study saying older people are more worried than before 🤷

Aye. Scare the life out of people and then offer them some token reassurance

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We are where we are

Hapes? In NI hospitals? Where, I haven’t heard of these *hapes ** you speak of.

My two kids aren’t wearing masks in the school/crèche settings and both are riddled with coughs & colds as is normal at this time of year.

I’d imagine the weather is playing havoc with that condition in young children.


It could be argued that cases rising in highly vaccinated populations is down to people becoming complacent about the Virus.

Anyone I’m hearing of who has picked it up was vaccinated but also caught it in crowded settings or at house parties.

You seem to be ignoring this point to somehow blame vaccination in some bizarre way.

It’s almost like locking kids up for more than a year has had a detrimental effect on their immunity…


Aye, a bit of rain and temperatures of about 10° up here in the North is almost unprecedented, tis no wonder the hospitals are filling up with kids in them conditions.

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Natural immunity has been made redundant by a bunch of Hysterical Harrys.

Do you not think the unvaccinated are out and about a lot more than the vaccinated