Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Did I say they weren’t?

Those who didn’t take a vaccine feel they can fight the virus naturally or believe it’s all a cod. There are also those others getting vaccinated as a free pass for them.

Whatever way you butter this piece of toast cases are rising because the population has dropped its guard as regards the measures which suppressed it.

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That’s a particularly stupid letter. I didn’t do biology for the leaving cert but even I can see the flaw in it.

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Arriving in Dublin airport earlier. Used the automatic passport gates. Straight through no other document checks. Does Tony know this?


It’s a farce. I know a few who have been flying in and out for past two years with no checks or problems.

Oh boy

What’s the normal absenteeism in the HSE ?

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Did the exact same 2 weeks ago. No checks at all. What’s the craic @Batigol

We’re back baby

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Socially distanced lapdance?


Run and you may live
At least for a few years
But dying on your bed……

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A relation of mine is in a ward in Limerick Regional, arriving in last monday. Of the 7 nurses on the ward, 6 of them called in sick. Nothing to do with Covid of course.


Look in coppers, or similar. Can’t blame them really

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Big influx of foreignera this week for the county final…nuff said

Zero deaths in the 0-24 age group since the pandemic began according to the CSO.

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We need to jab newborns pal

Its good news anyway you’d have to say @Watchyourtoes

50 deaths out of 134 thousand cases in the 25-44 year old group.

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Fellas wont be happy until human immortality is made possible.


99.89% chance of recovering from Covid if you’re 64 years of age or younger according to those numbers if you test positive.


I mentioned it before but a friend of mine, a marathon runner, has what seems like a permanent heart condition after covid. She’s fucked. She might be in the 99% surviving or whatever but doesn’t know if she’ll be able to live what was her previous normal life again.