Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Great piece of data there you twerp.

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Nolan pulled an absolute masterstroke there. He had that shrill headcase deepti something lined up against mcdonkey. Sam was the measured voice of reason in comparison.
(Weā€™re all going to die apparently)

He seems to have reverted to March 2020 Sam

Well we all will eventually

Iā€™m pretty disappointed on the lack of progress SCIENCE has made on backing up my soul to a cloud server.


The other day I was reading a book that said otherwiseā€¦a best sellerā€¦it was called the bible!

The cloud of unknowing.

Good news

Great news, given his lack of posting on the united thread I feared he was gone.

Some right melters out there

Herself and Staines are the same, thereā€™s a personal risk to them so they are unlikely to get out of the position theyā€™ve parked themselves in.

Iā€™ve met far too many women like her. Absolute outrage that anyone would have the temerity to disagree, they feel genuinely affronted so their protest is articulate, authentic and sustained.
Best just to divorce them.
Iā€™d say thereā€™s probably at least one restraining order out on deepti. Somewhere thereā€™s a lad nodding his head and muttering, ā€œit was only a matter of timeā€

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Sure we can hurl away so

Paschal wearing a nice pair of tackies there under the suit.


People are crazy.
