Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I have no knowledge of their system. But can you call our one a success? A miserable failure that collapsed twice during periods of some restrictions. Neither time did they try and improve it. If it worked during our more restrictive periods than we would have easily stopped the spread. This is one of the reasons zero covid wasnā€™t possible. The system was no where near good enough.

No I wouldnā€™t call ours a success, far from it.

Would you call Denmarkā€™s a success?

But sure nobody cares, it was only flu.

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Fluvio are you vaccinated for flu?

I am. Received my shot on Saturday.


Iā€™m on a waiting list for the flu vaccine. Iā€™ve also made an appointment for my city centre based GP to cup my balls on the day of the Ireland-Portugal game, but thatā€™s not flu or covid related. It could be a lovely start to a special day if we get the victory in Lansdowne that night.


Terrific news for @anon67715551ā€™s kids

I read somewhere that it is the most expensive IT project ever.

As I said I donā€™t know but I reckon you know and it wasnā€™t. By in large only nz had a decent amount of success with it

Got mine this week too. How else can I help?

I would say Denmarkā€™s contact tracing and testing regime has been a considerable success.

But the problem is that is now longer enough.

Cases have gone up x 7 and more in in the last five and a half weeks.

If theyā€™re struggling, the rest of Europe is going to struggle.

I wasnā€™t aware of Denmarks approach at all tbf but I agree with everything opening it will be increasing difficult. We couldnā€™t do it woth restrictions. We havenā€™t a hope now.

Is that the bus driver who ended Roy Keaneā€™s career in the Scottish Cup?

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Another Queens style postā€¦ā€¦

Eamon Ryan canā€™t see any restrictions being imposed again. That settles that.

Sadly Martin will fold like a house of cards when the shriekers raise their voice because they want to continue working at home on full pay.


Tony says ye are slipping lads. Gone complacent.