Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Holohan is chomping at the bit for another lockdown, heā€™ll have it within 3 weeks

He kept wondering why I wasnā€™t as vocal about the flu as he would have liked. Iā€™m not sure he realised there was a flu jab and was rendered quite speechless when I informed him about it. I see heā€™s moaning about the flu jab not being 100% effective now. Iā€™m not sure the penny will ever drop.


Dan Andrews could well find himself suspended from an overpass, or an underpass. Heā€™s probably the biggest loon of the ntire pandemicā€¦its like that deepti blade is his chief medical officer

ā€œBiggest loon of the pandemicā€ā€¦ironic words.

If you have to follow one Gupta make it this guy, not the corrupt ā€œGreat Barringtonā€ ghoul.


The Mort looking to invade Woolyā€™s niche as a Covid commentator.

His oulā€™ fella died from it. Caught it in the same hospital my oulā€™ fella did.

He seems to be suggesting with those figures that things arenā€™t as bad as is being made out. Whatā€™s the counter argument to that or why do you feel they are not being reported like that @Cheasty ?

Impossible to determine as the anomalies in the reported numbers could be an indication of people hospitalised because of Covid but yet to be tested, which indicates itā€™s making a large number of people sick enough to present at hospital, or people in hospital with a broken leg that happen to also have the virus present.

What an unbelievable scumbag Didier Raoult is.

Iā€™m even more confused after reading that :grinning:

Just after hearing of someone who is abroad and has tested positive, they still plan to fly home as scheduled because they have been vaccinated.

We are screwed.

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Covid admissions have been consistently higher than Covid discharges. More people are flowing into hospitals than flowing out of them.

Thatā€™s why thereā€™s a problem. Hospitalisations accumulate, like a traffic jam.

Some of them die. Thatā€™s a problem.

Some people who are in hospital for something unrelated to Covid catch Covid in hospital.

Thatā€™s a problem.

Itā€™s all a problem.

What we have seen frequently for the last 19 months is mental gymnastics to try and portray something that is a problem as something that is not a problem.

I donā€™t know why people do this. Itā€™s basic denial of reality.

Look pal, itā€™s not a problem. Itā€™s a wee flu. donā€™t be a fuckin snowflake. Man up!

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Leaky vaccines are going to be a big problem.

The unvaccinated are our biggest problem. They drive the pandemic. Everybody will need to be vaccinated at least three times.

Donā€™t blame me, I didnā€™t create the virus, I just deal in reality.

As an unvaccinated member of society , I think youā€™re wrong. Look. Youā€™re going to take the FFG line of vaxx your heart of hearts you donā€™t want to take away civil liberties but, butā€¦

I think we both know that the unvaxxed transmission is now the same as the fully vaxxed and weā€™re facing a difficult winter.

Totally agree with you on that. I couldnt be happier with my decision to be not be vaxxed either looking at the CSO website over the weekend.

That, and never having had Covid surely means Iā€™m doing something right.

All these are 100pc a problemā€¦ but what is the story with the figures heā€™s highlighted? Id love to see them addressed. Not addressing them only leads to suspicion and feeds conspiracy theories. Just because someone is questioning some parts of the official narrative doesnā€™t mean they automatically think the whole thing is a complete cod. Itā€™s this type of attitude is making a fuck of everything on both sides. Leo varadkar said ages back he wanted to know the difference between the numbers in hospital because of covid and the numbers in hospital who have covid. I havenā€™t seen mention of it officially since apart from vague tweets like yer manā€™s?

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Iā€™m not sure what the issue is?

The story is that when you have a high level of Covid in the community you will get hospital outbreaks.

And care home outbreaks.

If people want to believe conspiracy theories they will. Thatā€™s been obvious for a long time.