Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Varadker is a GP isnt he? He knows the craic.

You are not. You are more likely to get Covid than me, and if you do, it is likelier to be more serious than if I get it, and you are likelier to spread it to others.

I think the issue is just more clarity and transparency about the covid hospital figures that literally everything seems to hinge on. How many are sick in hospital with covid? Literally what varadkar looked for a while back. Maybe this isn’t any sort of issue but if not address it, put it to bed and shut people up.

19 months in though,

I havent had as much as a sniffle, imagine everyone did the same?

A mate of mine actually said you’d be better off getting it at this stage in order to be able to go to a pub or restaurant… I disagreed with that too.

Anywhere looking for papers to go into a pub or restaurant can get fucked.

You can thank all the selfless people that got vaccinated.

The vaccines are going to let ye down lads I’m afraid.

Efficacy is out the window after 6 months. Ye have been sold a pup.

Doesnt add up Mike.

How are 42 patients in ICU tonight fully vaccinated?

The way the figures are framed is incomplete. They give admissions, discharges, ICU numbers. Deaths are haphazardly reported and often backdated. The pieces of the puzzle ie., who is catching it in hospitals, you have to sort of sort out for yourself.

I personally would like a lot more clarity about the actual strategy. It seems to me the strategy is to let Covid rip through the schools while gaslighting that schools are safe.

In the absence of vaccination for under 12s, that’s the only way you theoretically arrive at a situation in which all ages have some immunity, Covid flowing through the path of least resistance - the unvaccinated.

But that is a recipe for disaster, because we will not have vaccination for under 12s for a while yet, so there are a lot more children out there to drive this all winter.

In a situation where you have little or no restrictions and the vaccine is for argument’s sake, 75% effective against infection, that’s the unvaccinated quarter of the population left to drive the pandemic and 25% of the vaccinated population at risk, but nobody knows which 25%.

Look at the several hundred people dying from Covid each day in Romania and realise you’re wrong.

These are some of the best vaccines ever produced.

No, I won’t thank anyone other than my age pal. This virus doesnt affect anyone under 64 years really according to the CSO.

Maybe, they’re making that up.i don’t think so.

Their numbers actually suggest the flu is far deadlier to the 0-24 age group than Covid.

RTE won’t tell you that though.

Why do you never look at our numbers here?

Are you disputing the CSO’s figures?

Because i) no vaccine is ever 100% effective and ii) vaccines rely on the immune system to provoke a response, and the immune system tends not to work as well in the most at risk groups.

Getting Covid remains a very serious deal for those in the older age groups.

Which is why the third vaccine is essential, it massively increases protection.

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Vaccine passes will sort it though, will they???

I agree the 3rd shot is key. But I think that should only be for people in the vulnerable category, so long as they’re happy to take same. Not pushed.

Sure look it. For the entirety of the pandemic you’ve been saying Covid is a cod. Now you’re telling us the figures are underplayed because you’re anti-vaccine?

There’s no arguing with that.

I agree with you the strategy seems as all over the place now as it ever was. They’re preaching extreme caution and issuing grave warnings while allowing things they wouldn’t have dreamed of 12 months ago and also allowing completely unvaccinated spread in schools by changing the rules on close contacts etc. What they are saying and doing bare no relation to each other. There’s something theyre not telling us one way or the other.
I’d imagine they don’t think it’s as bad as they are making out but want to keep people on edge anyway as they haven’t a clue what way the next few months will go.

It is a cod. My view on it being such has not changed at all. The fact you won’t even debate the CSO numbers is odd. You reckon you’re a serious poster, so, maybe give them a look.

There is no reason that you can’t analyse them and push back with a real counter argument for vaccinating all the way down to 6 month olds.

Given, we havent even had a death here thankfully in the 0-24 year old category with or due to Covid since March 2020. Its a bizarre stance from the “no one can ever die from Covid” crew.

It’s economics v public health. The two should never be in opposition. For the economy to function long term we must eliminate Covid as a threat. You cannot have long term confidence as long as this thing is knocking around.

As long as it’s knocking around worldwide we’re going to have a problem because it could mutate again. So, years.

It needs to be treated the same way measles is. Zero tolerance and test and vaccinate the fuck out of everybody and put the necessary ventilation measures in place. This notion of a safe level of Covid is bunkum. We’re pissing around like Manchester United thinking Solskjaer is gong to bring success.

FOAD you cunt of COVID preferably

I would have thought a fella such as yourself would have more to add. Sadly not.

A wee comma would have made all the difference there